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~Tzuyu POV~

My tears streamed down faster as I squirmed harder. I knew exactly who this was, and it caused me to panic.

"Tzuyu!!" His husky voice shouted. I whimpered and pushed him even harder. "Tzuyu!! It's just me!! It's just me!!!"

As if that'll make me calm down...

"Go away!!" I cried, a sob making its way out of my mouth. "Get away from me!! Let me go!!"
"Oppa..." I pleaded. "Taehyung oppa... please let me go... please."
A whimper threatened to escape my throat but I forced it down and continued pushing him away, my fists weakly pushing his chest. I felt his hands loosen on my shoulders but he still didn't move away from me.
"I hate you...." I whimpered. "I hate you, I hate you, I hate you..."
I hate you so much...

~Taehyung POV~

"I hate you..."
Her hair was in a ponytail but she still tried to use it to cover her face. I heard her small sniffles as she continued mumbling the same words over and over again. My hands had slid down to her waist but that was it, I didn't try to move or anything, partly because her fists were still on my chest, making sure that I was of acceptable distance from her, and partly because I'm scared that she might hate me even more after this. I badly want to hug her and tell her that everything's gonna be fine, but one look at her tear-stained face and I knew I couldn't do that. She removed her fists from my chest to wipe her tears so I hesitantly pulled her towards me, sure as heck she was gonna push me away, but luckily she didn't. I gently placed my hand on the back of her head and pushed it to my chest. My hands snaked up her back and I quietly held her as she cried.

I didn't even know if she was paying any attention to me, but I still wanted to explain.
"Tzuyu," I whispered. She whimpered against my chest. "I wanted to buy you something... and I know you're close to Elkie, but I don't have her number... so I asked Nayeon to give me Jennie and Lisa's number," I sighed and rested my cheek on the top of her head. "I know, I know, I was stupid, I didn't ask Nayeon for Elkie's number... but please believe me when I say... I'm sorry. I'm really, really sorry. I just- I wanted to surprise you. I wanted to give you something..."

Her breathing eased and she removed her hands from my chest. She wiped her tears again so I loosened the hug, expecting her to move away, but she just buried her face even more and wrapped her arms around my waist. I blinked at her in shock but she just moved up and nuzzled her face on my neck.

"I'm sorry too, oppa..." She whispered, her voice raspy from crying. "I don't hate you... I don't know what's happening to me..."
I shushed her and kissed her temple. "It's ok, Tzuyu. It's my fault... I'm sorry."
"I'm sorry, oppa..."
"Are we ok now?" I asked hopefully. She pulled away from me and looked up. It was still dark so I could only see the outline of her head but I was pretty sure she was smiling.
"Yeah..." She said. I hummed and hugged her again.

~3rd Person POV~

"Do you guys hear anything?" The inky-haired maknae asked in confusion, peering over his hyung's shoulder.
The two groups were crammed into the CCTV room, eyes trained on one of the monitors, the one that was placed in the room where they looked the couple up, but they could only see a black screen.
"Nope," Jeongyeon muttered, pressing the headphones to her ears. "Absolutely nothing."
"Do they know that there's a light switch next to the flipping door?" Yoongi asked, ruffling his hair in frustration.
They only heard Tzuyu's screams and panicked breaths then it was just... gone... so they were left completely confused. 

Suddenly, Jimin's phone vibrated. He quickly took it out and smirked when he saw the name.
"Well, guys..." He called smugly, his eyes roaming over the text filled with... words. "It looks like they made up."

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