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~Tzuyu POV~

I watched him step out of the car, my head tilted in confusion. He stopped in front of me and gave me a tight lipped smile.
"Hey Tzuyu." He said and looked at Xiumin oppa, fast asleep. "Let's get Xiumin home, shall we?"
I blinked and nodded, turning to Xiumin oppa and pulling him up. I slung his arm over my shoulder and was about to drag him to the car when Jin sunbaenim stopped me. He slung Xiumin oppa's arm over his shoulder and nodded to the back door. "I'll carry him, Tzuyu," He volunteered. "Open the door for me."
I immediately nodded and went to the door, opening it for him as Jin sunbae pushed him inside. I was about to get in beside him, but Jin sunbae grabbed my arm. "You're sitting at shotgun, Tzuyu." He said and closed the door. I stood there in shock.
"You coming, Tzuyu?"
I jumped and quickly ran to the shotgun seat. He started the car as soon as I closed the door and we were on our way to Xiumin oppa's house.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

We stopped in front of EXO's dorm. I stepped out and immediately opened the door for Xiumin oppa, gasping in surprise when his head immediately lolled to my shoulder and he almost slipped out of the car. I held both of his shoulders in order to steady him and Jin sunbae helped me carry him to the door. 

Jin sunbaenim grabbed the doorknob and twisted it, but it didn't open. "It's locked," He said and looked at me. "Keys."
My eyes widened and I started to panic. "Umm, I don't-"

Suddenly, a car pulled up right next to Jin sunbaenim's car. The doors opened and EXO oppas started stepping out. 
"Tzuyu-ah~!!" Baekhyun oppa drawls and slumped on me. He slung his arm over my shoulder and ruffled my hair. "You're shooowwww prettyyyyy~"
I cringed and gently pushed him away. 
"Thanks for picking him up, Tzuyu." Suho oppa said and pulled Xiumin oppa up. "We'll take it from here."

Jin sunbaenim and I watched as they hauled him inside, stifling laughs when we heard a groan, a thud and an indignant, "Come on, hyung!!"

"Come one, Tzuyu," Jin sunbaenim said and turned to me. "I'll drive you home."
I nodded silently and followed him back to the car. I immediately went to the backseat and pulled the door handle, frowning when it didn't open.
"Shotgun, Tzuyu!!" Jin sunbaenim called. "I don't want to look like your driver."
I flushed in embarrassment and quickly opened the door and stepped in.

"Where's Taehyung oppa?" I asked, trying to sound nonchalant, while he drove to our house. I saw something flash in his eyes but he quickly covered it with a small smile. "He was busy, so he asked e to pick you up." He answered and glanced at me. I frowned and looked away, trying to hide my disappointment. 
"Anyway," He said. "What happened?"
I shrugged. "Suho oppa called me a while ago," I said, studying his expression on the window. "He told me Xiumin oppa was drunk in a bar and he needed someone to make sure he was ok. He asked if I could check on him, so I said yes, he told me they'll pick me up, but apparently their shooting extended... so I messaged Taehyung oppa." I sighed and rested my cheek on my palm. "He said he would pick me up."

I saw him nod from the glass. "Did he... say anything?" He asked hesitantly.
I shrugged. "Just some... stuff." I murmured. "I missed hanging out with him."
He raised an eyebrow. "Even when he's drunk?"
I giggled and nodded. "Even when he's drunk."

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"Thanks for driving me here, sunbaenim." I said as I pushed the door open, then stopped when he chuckled.
"You know you can call him, oppa." He said. I looked at him and smiled shyly. "Yeah..." He smiled at me and ruffled my hair. "Call me oppa when we meet again, ok?"
I nodded and stepped out of the car. 

"Yah!! Maknae!!" Nayeon unnie called as soon as I entered the house. "Where were you?!!"
I smiled and shook my head. "I just... went out to get some air." I mumbled tiredly.
"Then why-"
"Unnie," I cut off and lifted my eyes. "I'm really tired. I'll head up to rest." The other unnies looked at me weirdly, but I ignored them and went to my room.

I laid down on my bed and sighed tiredly. I took out my phone and frowned while I stared at Taehyung oppa's number.
You told me you were gonna pick me up... I thought, my lips turning into a downturned pout. Why didn't you show up??

I bit my lip and dialed his number.

The number you have dialed-

I sighed again and glared at my phone, my knuckles turning white. 

Why aren't you answering?!!


I jumped when my phone suddenly vibrated. I felt a smile curling my lips when I saw who it was.

My Fake Boyfriend:
Let's go out tomorrow. 


I'm not gonna update next week because our exams are coming up and I worried that, with my scores recently, I won't be able to make it to the honors (yes, I'm one of those people that are really grade-conscious) but don't worry!! I'll continue updating by... Saturday next week? Let's just hope my grades are good or else I'm definitely screwed.

Also, should I make an Instagram account? In honor of 500 followers? Or does that sound...?

Hope you guys like the chapter tho!!


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