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~Tzuyu POV~

"Thanks for today, oppa." I said and smiled at him as we approached our (TWICE) house. "I had fun."
Taehyung oppa smiled at me and grabbed my hand, squeezing it. "You're welcome, Tzu." He said, eyes focused on the road. "I'm glad to be your first date... well, first fake date."
I stayed silent after that and looked out the window.
"Oh..." I said when our house came into view. "Why are the lights off?" Taehyung oppa peeked at the window when he he parked the car. "Maybe they went to sleep."
I frowned, my lips turning into a slight pout. "Oh..." I said. 

"I'll see you tomorrow, Tzuyu." Taehyung oppa said once we reached the front door. I frowned and looked at him. "Tomorrow?"
He smiled and tilted his head. "You'll be meeting the rest of Bangtan tomorrow."
My eyes widened. "W-what?" I asked, suddenly feeling nervous at the thought of meeting Bangtan. He chuckled at my expression and patted my head. "Don't worry, Tzuyu. I'll take care of you-"

He stopped when we heard a loud thud echo inside the house. I turned my head just in time to see a flash of blonde hair by the window.
Dahyun unnie...
Taehyung oppa chuckled and shoved his hands in his pockets. "Well Tzuyu," He said and smiled softly at me. "It looks like your unnies aren't asleep." I blushed and looked down shyly, mentally scolding my unnies for disturbing us. Taehyung oppa suddenly grabbed my hand and kissed the back of it.
"I'll see you tomorrow." He whispered and walked to his car. I watched his back and waved at him when he drove away.

I was about to open the door when Nayeon unnie opened it first and pulled me inside.
"So?" Sana unnie asked excitedly. All of them looked at me intently. I smiled, remembering our day. "It was fun." I answered shortly, I could almost feel their moods dropping with disbelief.
"What?" Chaeyoung unnie asked. "That's it?" I looked at them and frowned. "Why? Do you want me to tell you every single thing that happened?"
"Yes!!" They shouted, exasperated, making me giggle.
"Nope," I said and started to take off my shoes. "He took me to an amusement park, that's all."
"Aww!! You two are so cute!!" Jihyo unnie cooed. "You two remind me of-"
She suddenly stopped and gasped, her eyes widening in horror, as if... as if he wasn't supposed to say that.
"What?" Momo unnie asked. "Remind you of what?"
"N-nothing..." Jihyo unnie stuttered out, her hands shaking. "I said nothing."
I frowned and walked closer to her. "Unnie-"

"NO!!" Jihyo unnie shouted and backed away from us. "You weren't supposed to- I wasn't supposed to say that!!"

"Jihyo," Nayeon unnie said and walked closer to her, her hands out in a 'calm down' manner. That seemed to calm her down and she took a deep breath.
"You guys didn't hear anything." She said, her voice now calm. "Let's all wash up and sleep."
We all looked at each other when Jihyo unnie left us in the living room. 
"Is it me or..." Mina unnie trailed off and looked at us. "Is Jihyo unnie being weird?" Dahyun unnie shrugged and pursed her lips. "Maybe she's on her period."
We all shrugged and got ready for bed.

I laid down on my bed and was about to sleep when my phone suddenly lit up. I looked at it and saw that I got a text.

Unknown number: Sleep well, Tzu!! ~Your Fake Boyfriend❤️

~Someone POV~

"Hey, what is it?"
"Did you know what happened at their date?"
"Tzuyu didn't say anything... the only thing we know is that they went to an amusement park."
"Really? Like-"
"Yeah... like before... I almost blew my cover when she said that."
"Tae won't say anything to us. He just came home, grinning like an idiot."
"W-what do we do?"
"Jeez, calm down, will you-"
"What do you mean 'nothing'?"
"The PD's called, they said they have a plan."

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