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~Tzuyu POV~

 "Bye girls!!" 
We waved goodbye at the boys and stepped inside the house.

"Hey unnie," I stepped beside Sana unnie. "You ok? You've been quiet ever since we met up with Bangtan."
She smiled weakly. "I'm fine, Tzuyu. I was just thinking about something." She murmured softly. I was about to ask her something when Nayeon unnie's phone suddenly started ringing.

Her eyes widened when we looked at her. "Um... I'm just gonna answer this." She chuckled nervously and left the room. We looked at each other and shrugged.
What's wrong with Nayeon unnie?

~Someone POV~

"What do you want?" I hissed. "I'm gonna get caught if you keep calling me at random-"

"Your report on Tzu-"
"Dude, you heard our conversation, right? That's my report!"
He hummed. "Smart of you to call me when you were with them."
I nodded. "Well, now that you received my report-" I stopped when I heard a loud thud and a gasp. "Hello?! Are you ok?!!"
"Hey, you're fine, you're fine..." I assured soothingly. "It's ok."
"He-he's taking over, noona. I- I can't st-"
"Shhh... you're ok, you're ok..." I whispered.

I stared at my phone, my face scrunched up in worry.
He's getting out of hand...
"Unnie, you ok?" Mina asked. "You look worried, what's wrong?"
I smiled at her and shook my head. "I'm fine... just thinking about what color I'm gonna dye my hair for the next comeback."
"How 'bout pink?" Mina suggested. "You haven't done pink yet."
"I was thinking about brown..." I said.
"You also haven't done orange yet."

I smiled and nodded. "I'll think about it." I said and winked at her. She smiled and went to the bathroom.

After I made sure she was busy inside the bathroom, I sighed and gripped my phone tight.

Tae? Tzuyu? I really hope you make this right, to make him right.


Little short... I hope it's ok.

Does anyone even read my A/N's at the end of the chapter?

Also, I don't you if you already have it, but what do you guys think of the offline-online shit Wattpad is doing? I personally, am annoyed cause even though we have WiFi, it's just really annoying to see your library sorted out like that. And I'm an Android user so it's really new for me.

Anyways, see you guys in the next chapter!!!


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