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This scene may contain uncomfortable scenes near the end so please be careful!!

~Taehyung POV~

"You fucking monster," I growled. "You should've just left us alone. You should've just stayed dead."
Jungshin chuckled playfully. "You know I can't do that," He said and caressed Tzuyu's hair. "I can't die knowing that this girl isn't mine."
"Let Tzuyu go," I said calmly. "She has nothing to do with this."

"Oh, she does actually," He said and smiled. "I'm gonna make her watch me kill you... and then, when she sees that you're dead," He looked at Tzuyu. "She'll be with me."

"That'll never happen." Tzuyu said. "If you kill him, you kill me."
"Then I guess I'll have to kill him quickly." Jungshin said and brought out a knife, grinning at me. 
"No!!" Tzuyu screamed and struggled. I frowned in worry. "Tzuyu, stop," I said gently. "You're gonna hurt yourself."
She stopped and looked at me like I was crazy. "What?!! Tae, you're gonna die!!"
"It's ok..." I assured. "I'm gonna be-"

"Oh, stop with the chit-chat, Kim," Jungshin spat. "Say goodbye."

He brought the knife down to my chest. Everything slowed down as I closed my eyes. I could hear Tzuyu scream beside me. I waited for the knife to cut through my chest...
... But I didn't feel anything.
Am I dead?

Then I heard a pained gasp. "Hyung."
My eyes flew open and I saw... Jungkook, the normal Jungkook, with the soft doe eyes and the innocent features. But I wasn't convinced so I said, "Kook?" 
He gasped again. "Hyung."
"Jungkook!!" Tzuyu shouted as we saw him drop to his knees in front of me, his shoulders going up and down as he breathed raggedly. I saw a flash of silver so I turned my head, his knife laid on the ground, inches away from his hand.

"Kook," I called. He weakly raised his head and looked at me. "Give me the knife." He shakily obeyed and gave me the knife. I used it to cut the ropes wrapped around me and immediately stood up to free Tzuyu. 

"W-wh-what's wrong with him?" Tzuyu asked shakily. I looked over her shoulder and shook my head. "I don't know, Tzu, but we have to get out of here." I whispered and started working on the ropes on her hands. I noticed she was crying so I used one of my hands to caress her cheek. "Hey, it's ok, Tzuyu. It's ok. We're ok." I soothed and swiftly pecked her cheek.

I sighed in relief when I finally got the ropes off and I held my hand out for her, but the moment she slipped her hand into mine, we heard Jungkook scream.
"You think you can get away from me?!!" He yelled and took out his gun. "You two still have to die!!"

Tzuyu screamed when Jungshin started firing the gun wildly. We ran to the door, but I knew that it was locked so we just started running around everywhere.

"Please run out of bullets..." I murmured hopefully.

But then a bullet flew out of the gun and straight into my shoulder.

~Tzuyu POV~

"TAE!!" I screamed when he staggered and fell down. I dropped to my knees and gasped when blood started to slowly seep out of his shoulder. "Oh my god..."
"Is it that bad?" He groaned and closed his eyes in pain.
"Stop!!" I yelled at Jungshin. "Stop this, please!!"

Jungshin smirked and walked towards me, his hand shaking on the trigger. "Oh, I'll stop alright," He promised and pointed the gun at me. "Once I kill you."
My eyes widened and I immediately grasped Taehyung's hand. "Jungkook," I called pleadingly. "Please stop."
"Tzuyu!" Taehyung hissed. "What are you doing?!"
"I'm afraid Jeon Jungkook is gone now, Tzuyu," Jungshin said emotionlessly. "Now stay still while I kill you."

I looked at Taehyung hopelessly. "I love you..." I whispered, my eyes starting to water again. He nodded and closed his eyes. "I love you too..." He whispered back. I could still feel his pulse so I knew he was just resting. I looked at Jungshin and smiled. "Kill me."

His hand started to move on the trigger but then he just...


"Tzuyu." Jungkook staggered and dropped the gun. He cried out in pain and fell to the ground. The gun slid right to my foot, but I didn't want to hold it.
"Tzuyu..." Jungkook gasped for breath and looked at me. He was getting paler and I noticed he was having a hard time moving. "Kill me..."

My eyes widened. "What?!" I yelled and shook my head. "I'm not gonna do that."

"Please..." His voice seized up and he started coughing. He shakily pointed at the gun. "That's the same gun that he used to kill the two of you that night, if you shoot me with that... he'll die."
"But you'll die too!!" I protested.
"Please Tzuyu..." He pleaded. "He's hard to control. Do it now."
"Do it."
"I CAN'T!!" I yelled and cried. "I can't kill you!!"

"Fine." He said and shakily reached for the gun. He grasped it with shaky fingers and looked at it, then cried out again. I started to move forward but he immediately stopped me. "I can do this..." He assured. Jungkook brought the gun up to his face and looked at me.

With teary eyes, he smiled at me reassurringly. "Tell the hyungs I love them."

Then he pointed the gun at himself and pulled the trigger.


I'm sorry, ok?!! I had to do it...

Don't worry, Jungkook's fine. In the next book. 

I've been dropping hints about the new book left and right, so you can tell that I'm excited for it. I hope you are too...

Also, DanHyo broke up!! Can someone please tell me that I'm not the only one surprised?!! They lasted for 1 year and 3 months tho (#sanaol).

Anyways, 1chapter+3epilogues until Eclipse is done!!

Let's take a break from TaeTzu, shall we?


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