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~Tzuyu POV~

"Sunbaenim." I called and placed a hand on his shoulder.
"What is it, Tzuyu?" Jin sunbaenm asked, tilting his head.
"Do you know where Taehyung oppa is?" I asked. He was about to open his mouth to answer when we suddenly heard the door open.

"That's probably him." Jin sunbaenim said and walked away. I followed him and saw Taehyung oppa on the couch.
"Hey." Jin sunbaenim greeted , patting him on the shoulder. He turned and made eye contact with me for a second before turning back to Jin sunbaenim.
"Where's Xiumin hyung?" He asked. Jin hyung looked at me so I was the one who answered. "He left a  while ago, oppa."
He nodded without looking at me and I frowned when I noticed something.
The way his shoulders fell, his blue hair messy... he looked pale and the usual cheerful glint in his eyes were gone, only to be replaced with dullness, he looked tired.
He also wasn't looking at me, he was actively avoiding my gaze.
What happened?

~Someone POV~

I heard him groan beside me so I looked at him. "Why? What's up?" I asked worriedly. 
"They triggered Tae." He said, running a hand through his hair in frustration. It took me a while to understand, but when I finally did, I stood up in shock. "What?!" I exclaimed. "What do you mean they triggered Tae?!"
He hissed and covered his ears. "You're always so loud!!" He complained while massaging his ears. I raised my hand to hit him and he quickly blocked his head. "Calm down, ok?! I don't know what they said!! Bang PD-nim just told me that he triggered him!!"
I groaned and sat back down. "This is a mess!!" I exclaimed. "This whole 'make them remember' plan is stressing me out!!" 
I saw him smirk and tilt his head. "I though he was stressing you out."
"Shut up!!" I shouted, making him laugh.
"You told me he wasn't replying to you."
"I said shut up!!"
"He always just leaves you on seen."
"Oh my god, shut up!!"
He laughed and raised his hands up in mock surrender. "I already called your manager. You girls should go home and rest."

~Tzuyu POV~

"Come on, Tzuyu!!" Jihyo unnie called. "Manager oppa's here!!" 

I stood up and looked at Taehyung oppa, who was seated far away from me, after the talk with Jin sunbaenim, I sat down beside him but he inched away from me. I wanted to ask  him why he looked so tired but he just ignored me so I gave up.
"I-I'm gonna go now, oppa." I told him. I was hoping that he would show any kind of reaction but he just kept on looking at his phone. My shoulders fell and I sighed. "I'll see you soon, oppa..." I mumbled and left. 
Why are you like this, oppa?

~Taehyung POV~

As soon as I heard their van drive away, I looked at where Tzuyu sat, feeling guilty. 
I ignored her...
I was about to let my conscience eat me when I noticed  something glinting in the light where Tzuyu once sat. I reached out and grabbed it. 
A bracelet?
It was a gold bracelet with three charms on it, one is a purple gem in the shape of a heart and the other two were small, blue, circle gems. It looked familiar to me... but I don't know where I saw it.

"Ah!!" I groaned in pain and touched my head when my vision suddenly blurred. Flashes of a rooftop... the same bracelet that I was holding... and the feeling of a soft wrist...

"Happy birthday, princess!!"
"Oh... what's this?"
"This is too much, Tae-"
"You deserve it, love."

I blinked and all the blurry pictures were gone, my vision cleared and I saw Hoseok hyung right in front of me.
"W-what happened?" I asked, looking around in confusion, the rest of Bangtan was surrounding me, looking at me worriedly. "How long was I out?"
Namjoon hyung frowned. "Tae, you weren't out... you were just staring... you weren't even blinking."
"W-what?" I asked in confusion, my mouth gaping like a fish.
"Tae," Yoongi hyung said, eyebrows furrowed. "Are you ok? You're being weird."
I closed my mouth and frowned. "N-nothing..." I stuttered out, looking away. "It's nothing." They looked like they wanted to ask me something... but I looked at them pleadingly so they dropped the topic.

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