
606 26 13

Updated: December 25, 2020
Edited: September 6, 2021

Upon stepping into his palace residence, Renjun was immediately called for by his younger cousin, Chenle. "Ge! What's wrong with Xiao Yue? Why was she not with you? Why does she have so many bruises? Why does she have so many fractures?" Questions flooded uncontrollably out of the young prince's mouth.

"Ah? Fractures? Really?" Renjun seemed to have only heard the mention of fractures and nothing more.

Chenle nodded. "D-did something happen when you were out? Why is she so injured? The little puppy looks so sad! Ge! Tell me, what happened to her?"

Without answering another question, Renjun rushed into his room, too worried about his wolf-dog than about anything else. He left Chenle with Jaemin and Jeno, who both looked at him in confusion, as they didn't understand any of the words exchanged between the two Chinese speaking princes.

"Hyungie, what happened?" Chenle panicked, grabbing both the older princes' wrists, shaking them. "What happened to Xiao Yue?"

Jaemin opened his mouth to answer, but Chenle continued to ask the same questions he had asked Renjun just earlier.

A hand suddenly covering Chenle's mouth from behind, finally getting the young prince to stop talking. "Chenle-yah, calm down. They just got back. Let them rest before you bombard them with so many questions."

It was Jisung who spoke.

Jaemin and Jeno stared at the youngest with wide eyes. They haven't forgotten about the earlier events of that day. But seeing as the young prince had gotten more injuries, the two seemed to pity the poor boy more than be afraid of him.

"U-uh, the three of us ran into Crown Prince Maeng, and he crossed the line a bit is all," Jeno answered, clearing his throat.

"What? Give me the details! Please!" Chenle broke free from Jisung's hold, staring eyes wide up at the oldest of the four of them.

"Xiao Yue, uh... she bit him, and he beat her."

"That's it?" The orange-haired prince looked dumbfounded, his eyes widened and his jaw dropped to the floor.

The two of them nodded, a brow raised in confusion.

"Ugh! Lame!" Chenle turned around and stomped away.

"Wait! Lele! Were you not worried about Xiao Yue at all?" Jaemin asked, turning the younger around with a hold of his shoulder.

"I am worried. I wanted to feel the emotion to feel even more badly towards Xiao Yue by listening to your story, but your storytelling sucks, so I'm going back to ask Renjun-ge." Chenle shook Na Jaemin's hand off and shuffled away into his other cousin's room, Jisung trailing behind.

In Renjun's room, Xiao Yue lay on his bed, on a pile of white clean towels, sleeping soundly, and Renjun sat beside Xu Delan on a chair each, examining the sleeping wolf-dog.

"Prince Renjun, please keep Xiao Yue from doing too much work. It's best if she stayed still and rested for the next few months. Her fractures are quite serious and any sudden movement or even a small fall could cause her bones to snap," the imperial doctor informed Renjun. He reached for some clean bandages to wrap up the bleeding parts on Xiao Yue's leg.

"How many fractures does she have?" Renjun asked the doctor as he passed the bandages to him.

"Two major fractures in her ribs, a major fracture in her left ulna, and a minor fracture in her right tibia. The major fractures are as fragile as a spider's web. Be careful."

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