
305 27 18

Sixty Two
Updated: January 31, 2022

The two small pieces of metal felt cool in the palm of his hand. They clinked against each other when Renjun rolled his fingers, moving the small pieces around. Every now and then, they would come in contact with the slim metal around his own pointer finger.

Suddenly, he stopped moving them, and he gazed down at the two items in his hand. They were slim silver bands, similar to the one he was wearing but having a larger and wider diameter. Holding each ring in his hand, he imagined their hands being much larger than he remembered them being. He imagined how they would envelop his hands, drowning them in warmth, and he helplessly cracked a smile.

Renjun had made the thin bands a day ago, having left the palace after lunch to make the rings. His fiancés were out the entire day, most likely out exploring, but he didn't know. They didn't say anything about where they were going, not even when they got back, and Renjun didn't bother asking them in case it was something personal. He wasn't going to be nosy even if he was curious.

But, it still hurt.

And it hurt even more to know that the night before that, the two of them were doing something secretly. Renjun didn't want to guess what it was, nor did he want to know, but he felt kind of left out. He remembered walking up to Jeno's room after hearing two voices to ask if they would want to admire the half-moon with him, but the moment he knocked, the sound inside suddenly vanished. Even when he tried to call, no one seemed to respond, and he really did feel kind of hurt. And the day after? He felt even more left out and alone when they left early in the morning, yet he still went and made the two thin bands for them.

The rings were just like the one he wore, thin, silver, and engraved with a small animal on the inside. They were both elegant, and Renjun worked hard to make them perfect—he had to scrap the rings five different times each.

"In-Injoon-hyung?" The voice shook.

Immediately recognizing the voice, Renjun picked up the small box on his table, opened it, and carefully dropped the rings inside before hiding it under his blankets and rushing over to answer the door. The moment it opened, his younger cousin stood on the other side with tear-stained cheeks.

"Hyuck! Wh-what's the matter?" Renjun grasped the younger's wrapped hands. "Why are you crying? What happened?"

"Minhyungie-hyung hasn't left m-me y-yet, h-has he? H-he's still my fiancé, r-right?" Donghyuck squeezed Renjun's hand as he stumbled inside the room. "I-I'm n-not dreaming, right?" Tears continued to fall down his face, streaming down like small, thin waterfalls.

Renjun frowned. "Y-yes, Hyuck-ah. He's still your fiancé."

Suddenly, in relief, the younger's knees buckled, dragging the crown prince down to the ground with him. "Thank the Heavens..."

Gripping Donghyuck's forearms, Renjun's hands soothingly rubbed them. "What happened, Hyuck?" His brows furrowed in worry.

Donghyuck dipped his head down as relief flooded through him. "I-I don't know. I'm just scared, H-Hyung. I-I thought he- he was gone. I- I thought I was left behind. I-I don't know..." He pulled his hand out of Renjun's grasp and wiped away a stray tear.

"He won't do that... Hyuck. He's not that kind of person, okay?"

"Are you sure?"

"How can I not be sure?" Renjun cracked a smile. "He cried for you the other day didn't he? And, weren't you the one who told me that you are the only person he ever cries for? I mean, I haven't seen him cry for Jeno or Jisung yet."

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