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Eighty Five
Updated: January 31, 2023

Clank. Clank. Clank.

Every step they made, metal knocked against metal; however, it wasn't something that bothered them. For the last week, they've been training for hours and hours a day in the set of armor they were gifted by the Huang Emperor those months ago. They carried their precious swords by their left hip and carried their helmets in their hands on the opposite side.

It was time.

Things were going to change. They both felt it.

Their armor had been cleaned and repaired for the purpose of getting ruined and abused again, but it didn't matter what happened to their armor in the end. It would always eventually be repaired.

They were going into the heart of the war, Kang Empire, where their purpose for living was held captive living in brutal conditions. For one of them, it would be their second attempt, and for the other it was their first.

Their horses, one black and one white, stood idly at the front gate of the City. A third horse, occupied by a middle-aged man, stood nearby, head raised in attention. The man riding it wore a set white armor, his helmet sitting on his head and covering most of his face. The tuft of blue feathers drifted in the soft wind.

"Your Highnesses," greeted the man as they walked up to him.

The two princes bowed respectfully to the renowned general. "General Chen."

"Your Highnesses seem somewhat troubled. Did the trial not go as planned?"

Jeno said, smiling weakly at the general, "The trial went fine, General. Just some things said... Well, they weren't really things we would like to hear on a day like this."

"Ah, I understand." Jianxi didn't inquire anymore.

The trial was indeed fine. In fact, it was similar to the trial of the former Prime Minister those months ago. It was unusually calm, but that's how it was when the subject of the trial already had everything found out about them. For Jingling, however, in accord with her personality, one would assume she would cause some sort of ruckus, but all she did was stare sorrowfully at Prince Zhong Chenle. She, like everyone else, had given up.

Letters that were stowed away under the cushions of her bed were pulled out and presented to the entire room. It revealed dozens of pieces of information of the three empires that were just handed to the enemy. It revealed the plans of the night of Renjun's abduction, about 'Mark's' escape plans from the City, about the sedatives that were snuck in and about the dozens of Kang soldiers that were brought that day. All of her secrets, desires, and wants were presented to the court.

Chenle, who was present, nearly puked, and her loving and doting father nearly fainted.

Everyone was shocked, hurt, uncomfortable. The amount of secrets this seemingly innocent looking woman hid to herself was alarming.

However, the one thing that bothered Jeno the most was this person referred to as 'Mark'.

Lee Minhyung.

Jeno's older cousin. Someone he had looked up to. Someone he admired like an idol, a god. Minhyung was intelligent and skilled in everything he did. He was funny, caring, and loving. Out of the three Lee princes, Minhyung looked after them the most, chasing after the younger ones and picking up after them. He made sure they ate, made sure they trained, made sure they studied, and made sure they were happy. He was everything Jeno aspired to be. The older was the whole reason why Jeno today was so successful as a crown prince and a prestigious general.

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