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Updated: March 25, 2020
Edited: September 2, 2021

Everything was fine, emphasis on 'was'. He just couldn't figure out how to move his hands normally. They didn't seem to want to listen to him like they had a mind of their own. They would occasionally listen to his directions but then again they didn't.

"N-no, I don't need your help," Renjun said, feeling for the wooden board again. Finally, after a couple of attempts, he got his hands on the edge.

"Injoon-ah, please, you need help. Let Jeno help you," Minhyung practically begged the younger. Seeing Renjun in this state, it was obvious to everyone that he wasn't going to be able to do anything himself for the duration of his healing time.

"I don't need it," Renjun protested, losing contact with the divider again. He was getting frustrated with himself.

Kun had had enough of the stubborn prince and began lifting the divider. Jeno had joined not long after Kun started, and the two of them got the wooden piece to stand back up.

Renjun still knelt on the floor, watching as the two did his job for him. He wanted to do it himself. He really didn't need their help. He would've been able to do it eventually.

The crown prince stood up and wobbled his way to the door and gently slid the door open just a crack. It was dark out. The sun had set about an hour ago and the stars had come out. Renjun scanned the area outside. No one was out there, not even a servant. He sighed a breath of relief and closed the door.

Turning around, he staggered to his desk. Luckily, the prince didn't have any other troubles, but when he tried to sit down, he accidentally knocked over some of his brushes sitting at the corner of his desk.

Renjun reached over to pick the brushes up but was interrupted by another set of hands and quickly retracted his own before he made accidental contact. He watched as Jaemin picked the brushes up and placed them gently back into its holder on the corner of the desk.

The Chinese prince didn't say a 'thanks' or a 'thank you'. He felt guilty. He always did when someone did something for him. He felt that others would see him as spoiled, as weak. He had always been very independent since he was a child, and he didn't want others to pity him. It hurt his pride.

"Da Ge, will you please go back into your bed? You need rest. Working is the exact opposite of what you should be doing right now." Chenle stepped through the crowd and stood tall in front of his seated cousin.

"Yah! Don't 'Da Ge' me!" Renjun protested, rolling a sheet of paper and throwing it directly at Chenle's face. He absolutely hated it when Chenle or anyone called him 'Da Ge'. That title would come out whenever people wanted to whine or complain to him about what he did. He didn't like it. He liked it at first, but people began using it against him.

"Just because you said that, I won't listen to you!" Renjun hissed with a slight pout on his lips.

Jaemin, who was watching the scene unfold in front of his eyes, held his screech and awes. Jeno had to pat his back just to comfort him a little and prevent an unneeded happy tantrum.

"Chenle!" Kun scolded. Now, he wanted to throw a tantrum. Renjun was as stubborn as can be, so if he said he wasn't going to do something, he wasn't going to do it. Chenle pushed him to that corner, and Kun just wanted to rip his hair out.

Chenle cowered. He hadn't expected Renjun to do that. If he knew, then he wouldn't have said anything. He felt bad, "sorry, Kun-ge."

Jisung patted Chenle's back comfortingly.

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