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Ninety Three
Updated: August 28, 2023

"Hyung! Hyung!" Chenle's voice rang throughout the Palace of Longlife Purity just as he stepped into its gates.

"Lele! Slow down!" A younger prince was treading behind him, panting heavily as he tried to catch up with the other's speed. "Donghyuck-hyung isn't going anywhere anytime soon!"

The older paid him no mind and continued forward, calling out to his older brother. "Hyung-ah! Did you hear? Did you hear? Minhyung-hyung! He's-" The older prince suddenly stopped mid-sentence, eyes scanning the area when his brother didn't show up. Usually, he would appear in mere seconds after being called by the younger, but where was he now? Even Guhyung would still be a step behind his master.

But, this time, no one had come to greet him. The residence seemed to be empty except for the servants, who upon seeing the two princes, bowed gently in greeting before continuing their long list of chores for that day.

"Hyung is not here?' Jisung asked the moment he was able to catch up to his fiancé as well as catch his breath.

"I... I don't know..."

Suddenly, a door opened, and Donghyuck's servant came running out to greet the two princes at the gate. "Second Young Master and Your Highness. This one apologizes for not greeting you sooner. This one was caught up with a few chores. Please forgive this one." He bowed his head down lowly.

Chenle forgave the servant quickly, touching his arm gently to straighten him before changing the topic to the issue at hand. "Guhyung, where's... where's my hyung?"

The servant seemed a little hesitant to answer, "he's going to be busy for a few days."

"Busy?" Chenle's brows furrowed in confusion. What was his brother doing that he wouldn't tell him in person? The Imperial City is still under lockdown, so Donghyuck couldn't have gone outside, so where was he? And, why wasn't Guhyung with him? What was he going to be busy with for a few days that not even Chenle could hear about?

Guhyung noticed the looks on both Chenle and Jisung's faces. He knew that at some point these two would have to know, but he didn't expect it to be so soon. "Second Young Master, Your Highness, come inside and take a seat. This one can explain over a cup of tea."

Neither Jisung nor Chenle opposed the idea and followed the servant into Donghyuck's room, where the inside had been tidied up since the last time they've been here. On the table, a black sheet of fabric and what seemed to be a nearly fixed pendant lay quietly, untouched.

As the two of them sat down at the table, Guhyung gently pushed the fabric to the side before grabbing the teapot to fill up with some hot water.

The room was well maintained compared to the mess they've once been greeted with, and it was a good sight. It seemed Donghyuck was slowly improving his condition.

Guhyung returned soon enough and poured the two some tea.

"Guhyung," it was Jisung who began to speak. His gaze was focused at a spot behind Chenle. "Donghyuck-hyung's clothes..."

Behind the Chinese-Korean prince was a wooden room divider, which hid the bed from the rest of the room. Strung over the divider was a set of clothing. The position and the messy condition of the clothing seemed like it had been just taken off and thrown over the divider to be put away or washed.

"Young Master is not here right now," said Guhyung.

"Then, where is he?"

"This one isn't one to lie or hide anything, so this one will be straightforward."

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