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Sixty Four
Updated: February 14, 2022

Author's Note
Warning for flashbacks/light mentions of sexual harassment. Please be careful if you wish to continue. Please be careful if you wish to continue.

His heart pounded heavily as hundreds and hundreds of flashbacks flashed before his eyes. He saw that incident; he saw the monstrous look on Yimu's face as he approached him. He saw the lust in Yimu's eyes and the way he licked his lips deliciously. He saw his nightmares; he saw the chains restricting his arms and legs. He saw his vulnerable self sprawled across an unfamiliar bed. He saw himself being chased and then dragged away.

But, it wasn't just that. He felt everything too. He felt the intrusion. He felt the ripping of his skin. He felt the cold, uncomfortable touch. He felt the pain, the fear, the anxiety. Everything from his memories seemed to crash into him at once.

Almost immediately, the fear in Renjun's eyes tripled, and he felt as if his entire self shrunk, turning into a child again.

"Eh? What's the matter? You aren't happy to see your gege? Gege is very upset to know that because I'm very excited to see you again. Gege had missed your beautiful face."

A familiar angry growl sounded from nearby, and relief flooded Renjun for only a moment.

Xiao Yue leaped up the stairs of the pavilion and stood between Renjun and Yimu. Sharp teeth flashed at the tall man, saliva spraying when she growled and snarled. Her snout scrunched upward, her once soft eyes turning dark with anger. She didn't know who this man was, but she knew he didn't belong here. His scent was different and so were the scents of the many other people there.

"I've heard rumors that you've got a dog. It seems it's true." Yimu didn't seem to be frightened by her. He stood tall and proud with his chin tilted upward proudly; even through his veil, a smirk could be seen.

In the next moment, Xiao Yue leaped at him with her jaws snapping open to bite him.

"Disgusting thing," Yimu huffed, swinging his sheathed sword at her, catching in her jaw and knocking her right out of the air.

She landed on the floor with a whimper.

"Xiao Yue!" Renjun reached towards her, but the moment he saw Yimu's sword between them, he pulled back.

The man looked at him and then back at the wolf-dog. "Xiao Yue? The 'yue' in 'yueliang'?" He smirked again. "Cute. Sounds just like a name my little didi would come up with."

[(A/N) 小月 (Xiao Yue) literally means "little moon". itself means "moon" or "month". 月亮 (Yue liang) is the word specifically for "moon", literally meaning "moon bright".]

He crouched in front of the wolf-dog, who did not seem to lose her protective act despite being thrown off to the side and unsheathed his sword.

"W-what are you doing?" Renjun asked defensively. "D-don't hurt her!"

"Ah, so Didi finally decides to want to talk to me?"

"Wh-what are you t-trying to do?"

The only answer Renjun received wasn't spoken.

Shhliishh! A splatter of blood sprayed on the floor.

Xiao Yue let out a high-pitched whine.

Renjun's heart dropped. "You-"

"Don't worry. I didn't kill her." Yimu stood up, putting his sword away with a quick movement. "I wouldn't hurt my didi that badly."

The prince glanced over at the wolf-dog. She indeed was still alive but blood was flowing out of her front leg rapidly. The tendon in her leg was cut. "Why- why-"

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