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Seventy Nine
Updated: October 5, 2022

His heart felt heavier than normal, but he knew he wasn't dying, unfortunately.

Donghyuck sat on the edge of his bed, leaning forward with his head hanging down. He was fully dressed from head to toe as if he was going to go out, but he wasn't. He was going to stay in his room in the Palace of Longlife Purity all day like always, either crying or eating away his sorrows.

Actually, no, he won't be eating.

Donghyuck hadn't eaten a full meal for a month, since the start of January. Normally, he loved food, in fact, it was one of the few things he always looked forward to in a day—the meals. But... he just never really was in the mood for food anymore, even if it was the sweet treats Chenle had sent a few days ago. In fact, those were still sitting on the table along with the dinner the kitchen had prepared for him the night before.

He had lost weight significantly. Anyone could see it just by looking at him. His cheekbones were much more prominent than before, and his cheeks sunk into his face. Even his fingers had become skinner.

It was kind of funny. They way he gained weight fast and lost weight fast.

Gentle knocks sounded on the door, and Donghyuck called them in, "come in."

The door opened and Guhyung walked in carrying a meal for the prince. "Young Master," the servant greeted as he shuffled carefully over to his prince, sparing no glance at the cold food on the table. "I have some breakfast for you to eat. I know you didn't eat anything, so you must be hungry."

The prince lifted his head up gently, gazing at Guhyung. "Mn."

The food was set on the table nearby before Guhyung picked up the bowl of warm congee and brought it over to the prince, sitting beside him carefully. "Here," he said, gently stirring the white rice.

Donghyuck watched his servant quietly, mesmerized by the stirring. The moment Guhyung stopped, the prince's gaze dropped, avoiding the spoon hovering towards his mouth.

"Young Master," Guhyung frowned, "you must eat something. We are in the middle of winter, and it'll only get colder." The stress of the servant seemed to have become more visible on his face. His eye bags have gotten darker, and his hair was no longer styled in the traditional servant style; instead, it seemed even more simple and mundane.

"It's almost February," Donghyuck responded dimly.

"It's still winter." The servant held the spoon closer. "Young Master, please."

Reluctantly, the prince opened his mouth and the spoonful of congee landed gently in his mouth.

Guhyung sighed in relief.

"How's Injoon-hyung's servants?" The prince asked between mouthfuls.


"All of them."

The spoon clinked gently into the bowl. "Eunuch Ju Insi has been sitting in vigil for the last week since the start of the New Year. I visited him once and saw him praying to Buddha. His Majesty and His Highness have been Eunuch Ju's only reason for living, Young Master must know that."


"He misses His Highness dearly." He gently stirred the congee again before scooping another spoonful. "Jeon Gon, Deokjun, Kwanhyung, and Yangyang are still out of the City."

Donghyuck looked at him. "They are still looking for Shotaro...?"

"Mn. Since the Emperor assigned them to that job, they've been busy. I heard they were given permission to use five thousand of the Imperial Guards to help with the search."

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