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Updated: May 2, 2022

September twenty-ninth.

It's been over a month and a half, and no information about Renjun or Minhyung had been discovered. The spies the empires have set in Kang were trying hard, but everything was useless. All three empires were sitting ducks at this point, just waiting for news. They have only been told that wherever Renjun was held was somewhere hard to get to, somewhere only a few select people could access.

Additionally, even after the aging ceremonies of all three crown princes, none of the three royal families have returned to their respected territories, deciding that until Renjun was found, no one was allowed to leave. This was especially true for the Lee family, whose eldest prince was most likely involved with Huang's disappearance. Even though no one really suspected that any other of the Lee royal family was involved, they just had to be sure.

But, with everyone staying in Huang, a major problem was arising. With so many people and so many nobles, the food shortage was becoming more and more of a problem. It was fine for a month, but the amount of food in Huang was usually only supposed to supply the empire with enough food for everyone from March to August, and now, it was way past that.

The court suggested food be brought in from the neighboring empires, Lee and Na, and the emperors allowed it, yet worry was still hovering over them all. If the food supplies from Na and Lee were to be shipped now, it would surely arrive in a month, but the food they have now will only last them about a week or two. Along with having to supply scouts and soldiers with equipment and food to finding the crown prince, the food supply will only last less than the approximated time. The court could tax the people a quarter kilo of grain, but they were already taxed enough to supply the soldiers. Taxing them anymore would result in anger and eventually rebellion. Fortunately, a suggestion came up from one of the empire's chefs: to limit each person three dishes per day. It would at least last the empire another two weeks. But, the idea brought outrage.

"What about the sickly?"

"What about the children?"

"What about the pregnant?"


How could they be so ignorant?

Empress Chen Shufen of Huang was pregnant again.

And so was Grand Princess Lee Seohee of Huang and Na.

Emperor Huang leaned forward rubbing his temples. He's never had to suffer something like a shortage in supplies ever before. He's only seen his father go through something like this, and even then, it didn't seem as bad as it did now. Because back then, the family wasn't missing a son.

"Xinyue," Shufen spoke gently.

"Your Majesty." The court room knelt down respectfully to the empress who walked in.

Xinyue stood up from his throne, rushing over to his wife worriedly. "You should be resting right now..." Her stomach had grown significantly since a month ago when they found out she had conceived a child.

"I'm fine." She reassured with a smile. "I heard what the court was speaking of. You don't have to worry about my health," she said.

The entire room exploded with concerns, spreading even more to foreign ears when a translation was given.

"Your Majesty! We mustn't not worry about your health! The future of your child is more important than any of our lowly lives!" One minister projected.

Everyone else seemed to burst in agreement.

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