
493 29 40

Twenty Eight
Updated: April 26, 2021
Edited: November 14, 2021

The clear liquid trickled out of the small, white, clay pot into a matching cup, but even as it was full, Renjun didn't stop pouring. The liquor flowed over the cup, drenching his fingertips. "How pretty," he muttered to himself, smiling at the overflowing liquor. It was a while before he stopped pouring and downed the cup of baijiu in one go.

Renjun was already drunk after two small cups of baijiu and had left his room to sit out by the stairs. The moon was full that night, and he wanted to stare at it, but staring at the moon soon turned into admiring the liquor in his hands.

He frowned as he poured more liquor into his cup. "Pretty is pretty," he said, watching the alcohol overflow. Instead of drinking it, he stared at the cup filled to the top with liquor. He glared at it, putting the pot down beside him. He pointed a finger at the cup. "Pretty, really pretty." He stood up, stumbling a little, the drink pouring out a bit. "But pretty is dangerous. So dangerous, yet so pretty." Renjun laughed, stopping with a hiccup. "You were so pretty. The most pretty thing I ever knew. I even thought you were prettier than the moon!"

Prettier than the moon. Oh, how naive. How could I think that? To think he was pretty. To think he was a gentle soul!

"So pretty, yet so dangerous." He drank the cup and threw it on the floor, shattering the moment it touched the floor. "You wanted to love him, yet he ripped you apart! You wanted to give him everything, yet he took it all away before you could! You wanted him to love you!" Renjun burst into a fit of laughter, his hands gripping his head. He continued to laugh. It didn't stop.

The servants that passed by didn't bother to calm the prince down. This wasn't the first time Renjun drank. In fact, it was about his seventh time. Drunk Prince Renjun meant people were going to get hurt. Even Xiao Yue stayed away from him. Renjun was violent and emotional when he drank. He smashed everything, screamed at everything. Everything he couldn't do while sober, he did while drunk. No one dared to stop him.

He picked up the clay pot and chugged the rest of it, the liquid dripping past his lips and down his neck. He used his sleeve and wiped it away in a quick motion as he turned to face his opened door angrily. "You're crazy. You're crazy! YOU'RE CRAZY!!!" The clay pot flew out his hand, shattering on the floor along with the cup.

"Get me two more!" he ordered a maid, still staring intently at his door. The servant didn't say a word, only nodded and scurried away to get two more pots. She returned in no time, putting both pots on the ground before quickly disappearing to where she came from.

Renjun picked up a pot, yanked the cloth off, and poured some into his mouth. "Why is it me?" he asked no one in particular. "Why do you want to take everything from me? I've done nothing wrong! Nothing! NOTHING!" He sat down on the floor, a knee propped up under his elbow, another folded under it. His head lowered lazily.

Renjun's yelling and screaming alarmed both royal guests. They rushed out to find the older prince sitting down on the floor surrounded by shards with a pot by his side and another in his hand.

"Injoon!" Jaemin called, quickly rushing over. He came to a stop in front of the prince. Renjun's face was tinted bright red, and he looked like he would fall over at any minute. "Injoonie, what is this? Why are you drinking?"

Jeno caught up to the two of them. Renjun's eyes were half-lidded, looking tired and to a point, quite pitiful. He smelled strongly of alcohol. Jeno picked up the pot beside him, opened it, and smelled its contents. It was so strong, he didn't have to move close to pick up its scent. Quickly, he covered it back up and called a maid over.

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