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Updated: August 8, 2023

Standing in front of his mother's room, Xuxi felt his heartbeat picking up. Even after visiting her many times since he first came back, he still always felt anxious. Maybe it was guilt for not being able to return his little brother home in time or maybe it was fear that she was disappointed in him.

With a deep sigh, he raised his hand and knocked three times on the door frame.

A moment later the doors slid open, and on the other side was the soft yet stern face of Xiulan, his mother's personal maidservant. "Ah! It's the First Prince! Please come in."

"How's Mother doing today?" Xuxi asked as he stepped into the room.

"Her Majesty is getting better every day," Xiulan said with a big smile. "The Imperial Doctor visited just the other day and said that the baby is doing well too. He said Her Majesty's health hasn't affected the baby's at all, which is great news. We should be expecting in a few more months!"

Past the curtains, a figure dressed in white sat peacefully at a beautiful mahogany table. "Xiulan, who is it?"

"It's His Highness the First Prince, Your Majesty. He has come to see you again." The servant quickly shuffled over to Shufen, helping her stand on her feet.

"Mother," Xuxi greeted.

"My son," Shufen smiled. "Come, come sit." She gestured to the seat beside her. "How have you been?"

The Huang Empress was dressed in her sleepwear rather than the extravagant dress she normally adorned. Her hair was down and tied into a simple ponytail, and her face was bare of makeup. Unfortunately, she still looked sickly. Her complexion was slightly pale and her lips dry, but she was able to stand and move around, which was a good sign. Her stomach had grown increasingly in size since he last saw her and couldn't help but worry if she was eating enough.

"I should be asking if Mother is doing well," Xuxi said in response.

Although sickly in complexion, Shufen was still just as bright and warm as she was. "Xuxi shouldn't worry about Mother. I've been getting better. The baby," her hands went to rub the large bump on her stomach, "is growing quickly too. Mother will have to start coming up with a name soon."

The prince reached across the table and flipped two teacups over, grabbing the teapot and filling the cups with warm tea. "Mother hasn't named it yet?"

Shufen shook her head almost sadly, "I've been too afraid to name it. If I were to miscarriage it, I feel like it would break my heart." She gazed up at her oldest son. "Mother was thinking that you and Renjun could name it together."

Xuxi seemed to pause slightly at the mention of his little brother. "..."

"Mother knows Renjun is still not home, and she knows that you and the other emperors are working hard to find where he is, so she's not upset at you." Her voice had softened when she spoke, gazing at Xuxi with understanding eyes. "I'm just worried that you're overworking yourself."

Xuxi quietly served his mother tea.

"You haven't visited Mother in a month now, and seeing you now, I can't help but feel guilty." She grasped her son's hand. "Your eyes are tired, Mother can tell, and Mother can only wish she recovered quickly so she can help you with all of the court affairs. You're my son, Xuxi, and seeing you work so hard hurts me."

"Mother shouldn't feel that way," he finally said, "you're already working hard taking care of the child inside you. You-"

"I know, but," Shufen's voice cracked, "I'm worried for you. I'm worried you'll overwork yourself like your father, and I- I can't lose another son."

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