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Special Chapter 1: The Marriage of the Frozen Battalion Princess
(Alternative Title: Jianxi... the Overthinker)
Updated: May 24, 2021
Edited: November 14, 2021

The Frozen Battalion. It had no territory, nor city, nor town, but there was a headquarters, which stood a barracks and the main camp. It was where the General and all of the high-ranking soldiers lived and where new soldiers were trained. Around the continent held smaller camps led by smaller generals and commanding officers, but each would only listen to General Chen Jianxi and no one else. The battalion's soldiers were loyal, so loyal that they would die under the General's command at any moment, why? Each and every soldier and every general and commanding officer were personally trained by the General himself.

That was why this Battalion was so strong and so famous, and Chen Shufen was the famous daughter of General Chen Jianxi. She was a good fighter, twice as strong as the normal soldier, if not as powerful as the General. Because of this identity, many, many, and I mean, many, princes and nobles, asked for her hand in marriage, and all of them were rejected.

But, this time, Shufen didn't reject a proposal. Because, the man that asked to marry her was the Crown Prince of Huang, Huang Xinyue, whom she met a few times before, saving him from a near-death experience twice. The first time, Xinyue had snuck out of the palace and was attacked by assassins, Shufen had been passing by and saved his incompetent ass. The second time, he was being chased down and nearly fell off a cliff. Shufen somehow was also passing by and killed the assassins and saved him from falling. Long story short, after some time of coming across each other, Shufen began falling in love with the weakling.

She never really talked about Xinyue to her father, afraid he would disapprove of him, but now, she seemed to have no choice but to tell her father. A couple of days before, Xinyue and her exchanged engagement gifts, promising each other that they will get married. Xinyue had asked his parents and they accepted happily, knowing their son found his true love, yet also happy that their empire had the potential to grow stronger.

But, Shufen never had a chance. She was too scared to ask her father, scared of rejection. Yet, somehow, Xinyue persuaded her to let him come with, just to help her out a bit.

Arriving at the headquarters, Xinyue couldn't help but admire the sophistication. There were at least ten training grounds and over one hundred miniature camps everywhere he looked. There were only five buildings sitting in the center, each as wide as the Hall of Blazing Sunlight, the second-largest hall back at the Imperial City in Huang. The buildings surrounded a training ground that was just a little bit larger than half the size of the average training ground.

"Xinyue-ge, stop drooling," scolded the princess, gently elbowing Xinyue's side. "We are here for important business, not here to awe and gape at everything," she huffed.

Xinyue chuckled, knocking her head gently with his knuckle, "you forget that this is my first time here. Let me gape and awe at everything for at least a little. That's what you did when you first visited Huang."

Shufen opened her mouth to protest but had nothing to say to him and only huffed, pouting as she looked away.

He smiled at his victory and observed her face. He never understood why he fell in love with the woman next to him, but he wasn't complaining. She was beautiful, even her stubbornness was beautiful. She was even more beautiful when she was caring, when she was painting, and when she was fighting. Xinyue loved every bit of her.

Shufen felt his gaze, but when she looked over, the crown prince had looked away before she could see. She rolled her eyes with a smirk.

Coming upon the main building, she rushed to the door, Xinyue following behind.

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