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Twenty Seven
Updated: April 12, 2021
Edited: October 10, 2021

"My Lord," said the eunuch standing beside the young lord.

"What is it, Eunuch Yun?" The lord and future prince consort was busy looking through reports from the Kang citizens and ministers. Kang Jiheo was so incompetent to fill in for her mother that he had to do all of it. Yimu didn't mind taking over, it just meant he could make all of the calls. But, after all of this work he did, he's stressed, so he had spoken in distaste.

"She arrived at Huang not long ago."

"She did?" Yimu closed and slammed the report on the table. "You didn't tell me sooner?"

"My apologies for my impudence, Your Excellency. I deserve punishment." The eunuch stepped back, lowering his head.

Yimu huffed, standing up. Another chess piece was set in place. Any moment now, he can begin moving the pieces. He looked back at the eunuch, "bring Li Yongqin with you when you go back, a third one would be good to have."

"Of course, Your Excellency," said the eunuch.

As he was about to leave, Yimu quickly added, "remember to send that letter. Anytime would do."

"Yes, of course."


It had been a week since the three crown princes sat down and talked to each other, and once again, Renjun had to make another trip to Sicheng with another exchange of paintings. On the way back, no words were exchanged between the three princes, but it was obvious the younger two were desperate for some kind of communication, as Renjun could feel their eyes burning the back of his head.

Suddenly stopping, Jaemin and Jeno were caught off guard and nearly ran into Renjun'a back.

"Stop staring, you're going to-"

A loud scream came from ahead, interrupting Renjun as his attention was pulled away. Who is screaming during this time of day?

The crown prince's guards pushed past the crowd to the source of the scream to discover something unusual. There was a bird, lying on the floor with an arrow shot into its eye. The arrow wasn't a normal arrow. It had a thin piece of paper wrapped around it.

Glancing around cautiously, one of the guards hurriedly detached the paper, read the address, returned to Renjun, and kneeled down, holding the letter out to him.

"It's addressed to you, Your Highness."

Huang Renjun stared at the small rolled-up paper, a brow raised. Looking around at the rooftops, he noticed some movement. He opened his mouth to send some guards after it but closed it not long after. Chasing after it would be no use. Whoever or whatever it was would already be too far to catch.

He looked back down at the paper. This way of delivering a message was definitely unheard of. No one ever killed an animal when delivering a letter by bow, but the archer who shot the bird was skilled. To have been able to shoot a creature moving mid-air had Renjun worrying about how easily he could've been shot dead. Why didn't the archer kill him? Renjun didn't want to know. There was a reason behind the man's actions, and whatever it was, was probably terrifying.

Glancing back at the paper, Renjun gently picked it up from the guard's hands, who then backed away quickly. At first glance, the contents inside were written in Chinese with a handwriting Renjun found too familiar.

Huang Renjun.

How are you? I hope you are doing well. It's been a while since we met, so I think it'll be nice if we spent some time together, don't you think? Sometime in August, maybe?

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