
271 24 14

Seventy Four
Updated: June 27, 2022

Author's Note
This first part has descriptions of minor torture. If you are squeamish be careful.


Another sharp painful sting resonated through his body, and he lurched forward with a stifled grunt. There was a warm liquid running down his back, soaking his clothes dark red, which were ripped violently in multiple places, creating a gnarly hole in the back of his clothing.

"Yimu!" Cried the woman clinging to the lord's legs. "Please! Let's not hurt him anymore!"

"Ten more."

The soldier holding the whip panicked, nearly dropping the weapon. He had never done something like this before. The hand that was holding the weapon shook, blood dripping down its length onto the stone floor.

No, that's not true. He has done this before, but just not- just not this violently.

He's whipped the kneeling man at least fifty times now with full force. It started and ended with the man groaning. The soldier didn't think anyone would be able to survive fifty-something strikes; however, here this man was. And, Yimu was asking for more? How?

This man may still be alive, but any more, the soldier thought he might actually die. "But, Your Excellency-"

"I said, ten more." Yimu's voice snapped at him, words hissing between his teeth.

"Love! Love, please!" Jiheo wailed, shaking her newly wedded husband desperately. She couldn't stand seeing the blood and the pain. In fact, she didn't know why she and so many others were forced to watch such a horrid scene. "Please... I don't want to see- to see this anymore. I don't-"

Yimu shoved her off of him. "I didn't ask."

Crawling back over with tear-stained cheeks, she pleaded, "please... Love, please! This- this boy... h-he didn't do anything wrong. The-there's no need to-"

In a rage, the man stood up, towering over her. He seethed, "he's done more wrong than you think he did." Snapping his head back to the guard, he ordered, "continue!"



The room fell into silence. The ministers who stood on the side and watch and the guests that were invited shifted uncomfortably where they were. They all knew there was something terribly wrong with beating someone without reason, but seeing the way he was at the moment, fear spread throughout every individual, and they didn't dare say anything.

Then, lifting up the whip, the soldier's hand shook as it quickly came back down and snapped ten more times on the man's already scarred back. When it was finished, the man's limbs had given in and he lay on his stomach, blood leaking out of the corner of his mouth and seeping through the clothing on his back.

"Minhyung." Yimu seemed satisfied; the corner of his lips had tugged into a smile. "Wasn't this fun?"

The prince lay painfully on the floor. His breath was pained and slowed and his eyes were threatening to close as he forced himself to stay awake.

Yimu walked around his desk, kicking Jiheo in the arm as he made his way to the beaten prince.

The soldier that was standing nearby brought his hands up into a bow still holding the bleeding whip.

"Tell me..." He said to Minhyung. "Was this fun?" His voice was mocking.

The ministers kept silent although they were confused. There must've been something that happened. Something that caused one of Yimu's most trusted people, Prince Lee Minhyung, to be whipped sixty times. Whatever that was was what Yimu must've been referring to when he said 'this.'

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