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Ninety Nine
Updated: October 30, 2023

Author's Note
Similar warning for gore and death in this chapter. There is no mentions of any kind of sexual assault in this chapter, but still be safe if you are uncomfortable with gore. (Slight spoiler, deaths in this scene does include character deaths)

By the time the crown princes had come out of the dungeon, Kang was slowly falling. Their original strength has deteriorated slowly with each passing minute as its soldiers exhaustedly ran around the Imperial City trying to defend as many places as they could. It was clear that their defense plans weren't as thoroughly thought out as their enemy, who fought tirelessly winning three heads while only losing one.

They had succeeded in their main mission, and Renjun was sleeping somewhat soundly on the back of Jeno, covered with two cloaks. His condition wasn't going to hold in this cold, and he needed attention from an imperial doctor immediately; however, there was still more to do. Renjun had to endure just a little longer. Just a few more hours, and he will get all of the treatment he needed.

"General," said Jeno as their group traveled out of the Prince Consort's residence towards the court hall on the other side of the inner City.

"Yes, Your Highness?"

"Were there any signs of Yimu while we were down there?"

"Reporting back to Your Highness," one of Jianxi's soldiers spoke instead, "the entire residence was empty from the bedchamber to the servant's rooms. Not a single room was occupied, and not a single soul was seen."

Jeno gazed at Jaemin, confusion written on his face. "At a time like this, the Prince Consort is not in his room resting?"

"However, Your Highness," the soldier added, "we found a servant just outside the residence and interrogated him."

"What did he say?"

"Yimu hasn't been returning to his residence at night for a few weeks now and has only been staying in the bedchamber in the Hall of Forbidden Light. He said the business in Kang has been busier for a while."

"But, he has been returning during the day?"

"The servant said he's at his residence once or twice a day, sometimes three times, but he's never seen him around. It seems..." the soldier sent a subtle glance to Renjun on his back. Then, he bowed his head down apologetically.


Jaemin changed the subject. "General, where is this Hall of Forbidden Light? Your commanders must already be waiting for us."

With a lift of his head, Jaemin's questions were answered.

Ahead of their small group was the large building lifted onto a higher platform. A sea of mostly Kang soldiers lay as a river in front of the building's doors and stairs, abandoned torches setting bodies ablaze. A mixture of soldiers wearing familiar uniforms guarded the doors. One of the doors was left ajar and flickering light was seen from the inside.

Without hesitation, they ran up to the building and seeing them, none of the soldiers stopped them, rather, they stepped aside and pulled some of the corpses away.

"Great General!" Commander Song ran up to Jianxi the moment they stepped inside the large hall.

"It's good to see you and Xu Zhaojin still standing," he said with beaming laughter.

Commander Xu was the Second Commander of the great Frozen Battalion, and he, too, like Commander Song was assigned to assist in fighting against Kang. Both Xu and Song were close brothers and had followed General Chen since young, so naturally, they were assigned to missions together.

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