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Forty Two
Updated: September 13, 2021
Edited: December 29, 2021

By the time the ceremony ended, the sky was turning dark. Donghyuck and Guhyung had spent all day at the hall even though the prince protested a few times. Since Donghyuck received the Red Jade Deer, he hasn't let go of it even when they arrived back at the Palace of Sky and Heaven. Instead of giving the jade back to Geunseo to put it back in its box, Donghyuck held on to it in his palm, staring at it for long moments at a time. He even missed the few other gifts he received after.

"Young Master," Guhyung began, grabbing the prince's attention, "I will be off to prepare you a bath."

"Mn," Donghyuck replied absentmindedly, still looking down at the pendant.

In a blink of an eye, Guhyung disappeared behind one of the buildings, leaving Donghyuck alone in the palace courtyard. The prince went to sit down, waiting for the servant's return. He brought his hands up onto the stone table, the red jade pendant nestled in them. His thumb gently stroked the rounded carved edges, the smoothness feeling warm after hours of holding it in his hand.

He could hardly believe it was his now. That he's the new prince of Lee. He wasn't even married, yet he received this early. He glanced up from the pendant to the room of his fiancé. Candles were lit, but he still couldn't see a silhouette moving around.

Donghyuck frowned. He knew Minhyung was in there, otherwise, why would candles be lit in an empty room? He just wished to see him at least once today.

Minhyung never left his room since the day of the Prime Minister's trial. He's been in the residence for days, but he's never even come out to talk with his own fiancé, who lives next door.

Maybe Minhyung was sick. Then again, that didn't make sense. Before when Minhyung was sick, he would still do the best he could to see Donghyuck. Even if Minhyung had a high fever and had a hard time getting out of bed, he would come out and see Donghyuck. Sometimes, he would come out just to get him sick, so the two of them could be sick together; other times he would come out to just be in Donghyuck's presence to feel a bit better. So, if Minhyung being sick was out of the picture, what was he doing locked up in his room? There was something being kept from Donghyuck, and he knew that very clearly. But, the question was, why couldn't he know? Was it that bad that it couldn't even be said to his fiancé, to even meet his fiancé face-to-face?

Donghyuck's gaze shifted back to the pendant in his hand. What if he doesn't like me anymore? Was that why he didn't come to my ceremony? His frown seemed to have gotten worse as he stared longer at the jade. Was this given as an accommodation for his missing presence? Is that what it was?

The red jade suddenly felt faux in his hands. Minhyung must've not meant it when he gave it to him. But, even so, Donghyuck couldn't bear to put it away in a box where he will never see it again. Because, for some reason, a little voice in his head told him that Minhyung was still there. That Donghyuck still had to have a place in the older's heart. And, the fake-feeling jade felt like a promise.

Then, again, maybe it wasn't. Maybe Donghyuck was delusional. Maybe he should put it away. The older hadn't made any effort to talk to him for nearly a month now. Maybe he should just give-

"Young Master," called a familiar voice, snapping Donghyuck back to the present.

"What is it?" He looked up from the jade cluelessly.

"Your bath is ready."

"O-oh, right." Donghyuck scrambled from the table in the direction of his room.

"Young Master," Guhyung stopped him.


Guhyung held up the neat stack of clothes in his hands. "I already got your clothes."

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