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Seventy Five
Updated: July 11, 2022

"Go away..." The prince on the other side of the door had a solemn expression, as he stared at the ground, avoiding the figure of the woman in front of him. "I don't want to deal with you right now." Then, before Jingling could protest again, the door was closed on her face.

Pushed away. Again.

This was what? The two-hundredth-forty-second time now?

Jingling couldn't understand. She couldn't understand how Chenle couldn't understand. How he couldn't see that she really really did truly love him. How he couldn't that she has done so much more for him than that stupid Park did. She was dedicated to him. Even after all of these years of not seeing him, she stayed faithful. In fact, she even changed her style- no, learned to change her style in order to look like- no, look better than the girls around her.

Clenching the skirt of her clothing in her fist, she huffed angrily at her defeat.

It's not fair, she thought. How could she, after all she has done, be rejected by Chenle? How could she not be looked at? How could she be defeated by that stupid Park?

"Jiejie... let's go. He doesn't want-"

"Shut it." Jingling turned around anyway, stomping down the steps.

"Hey! Jie! Wait!" Hanlin stumbled after her; her servant struggled to keep up. "Jie! Don't be upset! He's already-"

"I thought I told you to stop talking." She snapped around, glaring daggers at her younger sister.

"N-no, Jie! It's not like I-I'm stopping you. I-it's just that Chenle-gege seems a little down these days, so I- I think that we shouldn't bother him too much. Ever- ever since First Prince Huang came back, Donghyuck-oppa has been upset, and I noticed that it-it's also causing Chenle-gege to be upset."

Jingling stayed silent; the intensity of her glare never letting down.

What Hanlin said made sense. Since Xuxi returned, Chenle has been spending time with him and catching up on all of the things they've missed after so many years of being apart; however, with his older brother, Donghyuck, being upset by the oldest prince's return, Chenle has felt conflicted. He wanted to feel angry at Xuxi after understanding Donghyuck's viewpoints, yet he's missed Xuxi too much to want to hate him.

Then, adding to the pressure of finding the crown prince, Chenle felt even worse.

"Then, why can't I help him? Why won't he let me help him? I'm his fiancée, aren't I?" The older began again with a huff. "Why doesn't he let me in? I've done so much for him, haven't I?" She frowned, grabbing her sister's forearms. "Can't he see that I've been here for so long? I've given him gifts, food, letters, everything, but he- he still pushes me away..."

Hanlin hesitated. "Jie... it's been nearly seven months since we've been here. You've already tried so many times, yet he hasn't even smiled at you." She lowered her tone.

Anger rested on Jingling's face, and Hanlin immediately began to regret her choice of words, however, she continued anyway, "Jie, I've been telling you this many times now. Can't you see that he- that he has no interest in-"


"I thought I told you that I did not want to hear those words ever again!" From sorrow to anger, Jingling's expression changed in the blink of an eye.

Hanlin's cheek burned and stung, yet she didn't seem to be at all fazed by the hit. "Jie, but wh-what I'm saying is the truth. You've been trying for months- no, years, and yet he-"

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