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Updated: November 16, 2020
Edited: September 6, 2021

"Jisungie~" Chenle whined, gently tugging on the sleeve of the taller prince. "Can we please go out somewhere? I don't want to be stuck here forever." The oranged-haired prince had his head lowered and lips pouted, staring at his fiancé with wide eyes.

Jisung didn't spare the older a glance. He was busy trying to get an assignment done. Before he came to the Huang Empire's Imperial City, his father had assigned him to organize a battle formation as a form of practice. The young prince wanted to study to become a strategist. Well, he wanted to be a dance teacher and choreographer since he enjoyed dancing. He entered plenty of competitions and won all of them, resulting in him becoming the best dancer in Lee. But the occupation didn't pay much, and it wouldn't look good for a member of the Lee royal family to be teaching people how to dance. Lee was full of strong soldiers and generals, none of which were dancers.

"Jisungie, please?" He pouted, puckering his lips and stuffing some air into his cheeks.

The younger only took a glance at his fiancé and regretted it, looking away quickly with a sigh. He knew that if he looked for too long, he'd fall for the older's famous trap, puppy-dog eyes. "Chenle-yah, I can't right now."

"But, you've been working on that for three hours, and it's already past noon! Please can we go out for a little? You can finish it later. I want to do something with you."

Jisung stopped drawing for a moment, staring at the empty spaces on his paper. He also did want to have some fun with Chenle, but he only had a little bit left to do. Just a pinch amount. It should just take him another thirty minutes to finish.

But, Chenle was so insistent.

He sighed, putting his brush on its rest and turning to face his fiancé, who immediately lit up. "Okay, fine. We can go do something."

"Yay!" The older celebrated.

"But..." Jisung interrupted, causing Chenle's smile to fade a little and his celebration to be stopped short. "You first have to help me up because... my legs are numb from sitting for so long."

"O-oh, yeah, of course," Chenle giggled in response, grabbing his fiancé's arm and pulling him up to his feet.

The younger stumbled a little but quickly regained his balance with a little help from his fiancé. "Thanks."

"Where are we going?"

Jisung glanced down at the shorter, a brow raised. "Wasn't it you who wanted to do something? Why are you asking me?"

"W-well, I didn't really plan anything and thought maybe you had something in mind?" He looked awkwardly up at Jisung.

Jisung shook his head but smiled, "we could go see the Imperial Library. I want to take a look at some of the books there, maybe even take some back here to study."

Chenle pouted. "This is supposed to be relaxing. Can we not go look at the books and stuff? It'll turn into work by the time we come back... please?"

Jisung tapped his chin lightly. "Fine, but you pick since you wanted me to stop working on my project."

"Oh, uh... how about we go to the famous restaurant, Honey Blossom?" he suggested.

"Is it that restaurant Minhyung-hyung brought Donghyuck-hyung to?"

"No, Jisungie. Hyung brought Donghyuck-hyung to a different place. Honey Blossom's is probably the most famous in Guanghua. It's highly rated." Chenle gasped, "they are also really famous for their desserts! Every one of them is the most delicious thing I've eaten."

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