
450 28 43

Thirty One
Updated: June 21, 2021
Edited: November 23, 2021

Dinner. Renjun had somehow agreed to go out for some food with his fiancés. He didn't know when, or how. He didn't remember anything that happened earlier, after that therapy session, he blanked out. He just somehow had said, "about that dinner, I-I'll go." And that was how he ended up leaving the City with the two other crown princes, followed by twelve imperial guards and twelve servants.

"Jaemin...?" Renjun asked, his voice slightly timid. He was still staring at his three fingers. The feeling of the touch from hours ago still lingering.

"Yes~?" Jaemin was in a good mood. Two things had gone his way today, and he was quite happy about it.


"To Flowered Lake!"

Jeno raised a brow, "where is that?"

Jaemin hooked his arm with Jeno, who quickly slipped away in embarrassment. "Not far from the City. Maybe half a kilometer or something."

"Is the place famous?" Renjun asked.

Jaemin turned to the oldest with a happy smile on his face. "Oh! Yes! Very famous! Its specialty is bibimbap and many flowery deserts! I've been there a few times now, and they never disappoint."

"Nana," Jeno began, "what if they never disappoint because you are a prince? They probably don't want to disappoint you and probably don't want you to get them out of business for having terrible food."

He chuckled, shaking his head. "Silly Nono."

Jeno cringed.

"I've asked the commoners around here. They all say the food there is great!" Jaemin looked ahead. The flowery sign of the Flowered Lake emerged in front of them. The small pond of flowers in front of the building also began to appear under its flower lanterns. There were so many flowers, the princes swore they stood in front of the Imperial Garden.

Just looking at the front of the building, Renjun didn't really like the flower lanterns. He thought, even though the restaurant's aesthetic is flowers, the flowers on the lanterns were a bit too much. Simpler was better.

"Injoon-hyung, come on," Jaemin called from the entrance. He and Jeno had already gone inside.

Renjun walked in. Four guards had gone inside, and the rest of the servants and guards stood outside in waiting, not wanting to crowd the space with too many people. Some commoners had also followed Renjun in, wanting to see the princes (most of them were commoner women and girls).

Inside the restaurant, there were more flowers, only they were used more sparingly. The restaurant wasn't too big nor was it too small. At most it could hold about ten tables, each being able to seat four or five people. There were wooden dividers between each table and by each divider there were vases of pink blossoms.

"Oh!" exclaimed the restaurant owner with a deep respectful bow. "Your Highnesses! I wasn't expecting you to come to visit my little restaurant." The owner was a young man, maybe in his mid-twenties. His eyes were phoenix eyes, curving up at its ends, he had a sharp chin, and he had round cheeks. The owner wore the attire of a simple restaurant owner, with his hair tied up into a high bun, a ribbon wrapped around his forehead to keep the hair out of his face, and the sleeves of his clothing rolled up above his elbows.

"Your Royal Highnesses, is there a specific table you would like?" He looked at Jaemin.

Jaemin looked at Renjun, who was standing behind him. He then looked back at the restaurant owner. "A private booth please."

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