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Sixty Three
Updated: February 7, 2022

"Yimu-ge," Yongqin's thick Thai accent bled through his words as he spoke.

"What is it, Cousin?" The future prince consort walked calmly, taking in his familiar surroundings with a smile on his face. The lord wore a sheer mask across his face, hiding most of the scarring and most of his face from the people around him.

"Are you sure that Li Minheng would do what he's told? I heard the other day from Jingling that he was crying all night because of what happened with his fiancé. There might be a chance he-"

[(A/N) 'Li Minheng' is Mark's (Lee Minhyung) Chinese name.]

"Don't ruin my mood, Yongqin." Through the sheer mask, Yimu's smile dropped. "Let me enjoy my time. It's been a while since I was back in Huang."

Huang Empire.

That was where they were at. That's the territory they stood on, and Guanghua's dirt ground never felt more homey and welcoming.

Along with Yimu and Yongqin were Shotaro and a large group of Kang Imperial soldiers.

To the citizens and people of Guanghua, nothing looked very suspicious, as many times a week nobles, princes, officials, etc. from other empires would visit Huang and see the magnificent empire for their very own eyes. Many come to study the government structure, many come for art, many come for medicine (like the Thirteen Disciples), and many even come just for the experience.

"Oh, and Yimu-ge."

"What?" The younger better not be trying to annoy him right now.

"Your fiancée isn't going to just show up, right? If she finds out-"

Yimu let out a smile under his mask, "do not worry, Dear Cousin. Jiheo will not know anything. I had sent her and a few of her girlfriends to Japan for a month-long vacation. She was quite happy about it."

"W-was she not suspicious of you?"

"She was worried about me working alone, but no. She's too in love with me to think anything of that." He stopped suddenly, causing his entourage to stop immediately, and he turned to face the shorter male to his right. "Now, let's stop talking about her.

"Today is the day, Yongqin. We came here for one and only one reason. I'm sure you know what that is. We will be successful, so let us not delay this any longer. I'm sure my beautiful Renjun is waiting for me." He turned his head to face the tall walls of the Huang Imperial City, tilting his head up, a sinister smirk plastered across his face. "He'll be mine soon, Cousin, just you wait."

Then, with a wave of his hand, the Kang guards pulled their thick fabric masks over their noses, and Shotaro stepped forward.

"Lord, should I?" The Japanese boy gazed back up at the man.

"Whenever you're ready."

Shotaro's scarred hand reached up to his own black fabric mask, pulling it over his face and tightening it around his head before he reached for one of the rounded pouches attached to his belt; he had at least ten, making it so to outsiders, the belt was made to look somewhat stylish (it really didn't, but it was decent).

The boy closed his restaurant today, so he could come and help out a friend and get the vengeance he needed. He wasn't going to miss this chance, nor was he going to mess it up. He spent countless sleepless nights making sure the recipe for these pouches was correct and was not going to fail on him, so he was confident.

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