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Thirty Six
Updated: August 2, 2021
Edited: December 28, 2021

"Your Excellency!"

He had slammed his brush on the floor, cracking it in half and causing a splatter of black ink where it had landed. Gripping his hand into a fist, he huffed. His fiancée was useless, fucking useless. All of this work was put onto him. He had been sitting at the desk for a day and a half, reading character after character. And, what the fuck was she doing? Giggling and laughing with her girlfriends in the Imperial Garden.

"Where's the Princess?" Yimu snarled, standing up suddenly.

"Y-Your Excellency, sh-she-" the maidservant was frightened by the lord's sudden eruption of rage.

He interrupted angrily, "bring her here this instance!"

She bowed, "o-o-of course," and shuffled off, hurrying to find the princess before Yimu broke something that wasn't an inanimate object.

Yimu glared at another maid, "you."

"Y-yes, Y-Your Excellency?"

He pointed to the broken brush and the splattered ink. "Clean that up."

"Y-yes, of c-course."

"Your Excellency," a eunuch bowed, holding out a handkerchief.

Yimu took it roughly, dabbing at his sweaty forehead with the silky material.

"Please, ease your anger."

"Where is Eunuch Yun Sunghyun? Why isn't he here yet? He's a day late," Yimu asked, throwing the dirtied handkerchief back to the eunuch beside him.

Putting the handkerchief away, the eunuch smiled, chuckling nervously, "th-this one d-doesn't know where Eunuch Y-Yun is. I-I think he w-will arrive shortly."

The young eunuch received a slap on his face, sending him flying to the floor. "I DIDN'T ASK IF YOU KNEW WHETHER OR NOT HE WAS HERE. I ASKED WHERE HE IS!??!"

Wasn't that the same thing? With a reddened face, the eunuch dropped down to a kowtow, knocking his head on the floor over and over again. "P-please, Y-Your Excellency, s-spare this one."

With a huff, Li Yimu turned around, but just as he did, a voice called to him, "Love!! You called for Jiheo?"

Yimu turned back around and was nearly tackled to the floor. Putting on a smile, he said, "I did."

Jiheo wrapped her arms around his waist, looking up at him with big, brown, dreamy eyes. "What is it? You know Jiheo will do anything for you."

Holding back a look, Yimu cupped her face and pressed a gentle kiss onto her forehead. "Could you finish up the work here? There is a lot, and I have other business to attend to."

The princess frowned at 'other business', "is it business with that Hwang Injoon again?" She whined, melting on top of him, "I thought you stopped chasing after him. After all, you said he was a stinky little shit anyway." She muttered the last part.

Unfortunately for her, Yimu heard every word of it. "You-" he stopped himself, taking a breath. He had to remember what they talked about the other day.

Slam. Yimu opened his eyes with a snap.

"Your Highness the Crown Princess, please, calm down. His Excellency is asleep. Don't both-"

Slap. "I am speaking to him whether he likes it or not." She stomped further into the room, her sleeves swinging beside her angrily. "My Love!" She screamed, walking up to his bedside.

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