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Sixty One
Updated: January 24, 2022

The night was young, dark clouds hung overhead, little to no stars seen from above. The moon was slim and just barely halfway through its path. Shadows lurked in every corner despite the darkness, and Minhyung could barely see four meters in front of him.

But, upon arriving at a certain palace, Minhyung's eyes adjusted quickly to the lights around. It was late, three or four in the morning, the weird hour where some people are about to wake up and some are about to go to sleep. It's the same hour where most guards are taking a quick shut-eye.

The light of the room he was about to enter was as bright as if it had just turned dusk, and Minhyung barged in immediately, the thought of knocking completely abandoned.

There were two high-pitched shrieks, but the prince hardly cared. "Jingling!" Minhyung closed the door violently behind him and pulled his hood down. "Where were you these last five days? I've been sending my fucking servant around the City searching for you, yet you show up here?"

Prince Minhyung? No, this was not a princely image.

Two young women were sitting on the edge of the bed, both of them barely dressed in proper clothing. They only had their white silk underpants and the simple chest cover and binding. Their makeup was completely removed, and surprisingly, Jingling looked just like she did when she did wear makeup (props to Yimu's staff for teaching her how to enhance her natural beauty).

"You dirty prince!" Jingling huffed, grabbing the quilt from her bed and covering up both her and her servant. "Get out and let Noona change first!"

"I don't have time to fucking wait, Noona." He hissed bitterly. "Where the Hell have you been these past few days? Do you understand that the security in this city has increased three times more in the last month? The entire City knows we exist, so what the fuck are you doing sneaking around?"

Jingling huffed and rolled her eyes, keeping the blanket up to cover her body. "Calm down will you? Why would they suspect a beautiful young lady like me? They would most likely just assume I went out shopping or something. Now, please," she nodded in the direction of the door, "go out for a moment, and let Noona wear some proper clothes."

Minhyung groaned, throwing his hands down. Then, he noticed the packaged items on the table nearby; they seemed like they hadn't been opened yet. "You went out shopping during a time like this? Yimu's coming in about a week, and you went out shopping? Shopping for what? It better be something useful for you to risk your own cover!"

"I didn't just go out shopping, you dickhead." Her once graceful self was gone. She was no longer the annoying young twenty-year-old noble lady she was. She looked much more mature and much more sinister, but that seemed like a pattern that occurred within every other person that has ever come in contact with Yimu.

"Then, where did you go? 'Cause clearly, you were quite busy for five days." Minhyung crossed his arms, shifting his weight to his back foot.

"I went to see Da Ge, obviously."

Despite Minhyung not understanding Chinese, he knew very well what 'Da Ge' meant, as he's been in contact with Jingling before and knew her vocabulary quite well. "And, why did you do that?"

She only shrugged, dragging her servant with her onto the bed and settled down—the two of them have shared the same bed together for many years; they were almost like sisters now. "I just wanted to."

Mali nudged her mistress. "Miss," she glanced at the prince cautiously, feeling uncomfortable. "Can-"

Jingling cut her off, ignoring her. "I just wanted to make sure the deal he and I made a year ago was still intact."

The Untouchable Prince | A Norenmin FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now