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Fifty Four
Updated: December 20, 2021

W-what was he thinking?

Renjun tore his gaze away from their lips and stepped forward, causing the two of them to step away. "A-again," he managed to say, taking his mind off of whatever the heck that was. He picked up his sword, sheathing it.

Jaemin giggled silently. He noticed the older staring at his lips, how could he not? He was sure Jeno noticed too. They were at such a close distance away from each other. He had to hold himself back from doing anything rash.

"A-also, don't push me against the wall again," Renjun added as he stepped back into the empty courtyard. "I- I don't like b-being cornered." He flushed at his own words.

"But, you're cute when you're corner-"

"Shush, Na."

Well, that was no use. Renjun heard it quite clearly. He turned around and glared at Jaemin, who cowered slightly. "I- I'm not c-cute!" he retorted angrily.

When he turned back around, Jaemin grinned. Right... not cute... He turned to Jeno, who was walking beside him. "Corner him again?" He asked quietly.


Jaemin put his hands together, giving the older round watery eyes. "Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! He's soooo cute! Please!"

Jeno pinched the bridge of his nose. He couldn't deny Jaemin's comment. Renjun was cute when he was cornered- okay, no, you didn't hear that from him. With the flustered look on Renjun's face, Jeno just wanted to- you also didn't hear that from him. "Na, he's already uncomfortable, I don't think it's a good idea."

The younger blonde sighed in understanding. Renjun did just recover from the poison, and he was still suffering from his anxiety and phobia. "Right."

Standing across from the two of them, Renjun faced them again. This time, he'll win. Yep! He'll do it this time! He had to do it this time. He had to be able to perfectly perform Frost Blossom against these two eventually, right? There was no way that he would just fail again, right? I mean, come on, Renjun was just as well built for the battlefield as the two of them were. The three of them were all crown princes after all; they each commanded at least ten thousand soldiers. Even if Renjun didn't have any experience fighting on the battlefield as Jeno or Jaemin had, he should be just as good, right?

When he determined that the two were ready, Renjun unsheathed his sword and naturally, Frost Blossom emerged from his steps. This time, it was more accurate, in fact so accurate that both Jeno and Jaemin were unsure of how to react.

Jeno, the Prince of Strength, was frozen in place. He's been fighting on the battlefield since he was fifteen, and he's seen all sorts of things from decapitated heads, to missing limbs, to infected wounds, to unidentifiable faces. But, the way Renjun's eyes glowed a determined red was something he's never seen before, not even in the eyes of his enemies.

When he finally snapped out of his trance, his movements stuttered to avoid the swing of Renjun's sword—he almost lost a toe. He backed up, step after step, hurriedly trying to avoid getting cut on accident.

The look in the older's eyes didn't falter a bit, in fact, Jeno swore it got darker.

"Holy shit," he cussed, just barely avoiding the swing that jerked up.

The reaction had Renjun smirking. He was winning this time. He had the upper hand, but just when he thought he was going to win, Jaemin interjected, catching the older off guard.

"Injoon-ah," Jaemin said as he pushed the older back a few meters with a violent thrust.

Renjun took the chance to take a breath.

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