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Sixty Five
Updated: February 23, 2022


He... failed...

He failed...

"RRAAHHHHHHH!" With the little energy left, he let out a yell so painful even the birds quivered and cowered.

He was gone.

Renjun was gone.

Jaemin's head curled inward towards his chest as he weakly punched the ground with his left hand. A sob bubbled up inside his chest, and he didn't try to restrain it.

Huang Renjun was gone.

And... and Jaemin didn't do anything.

Blood scattered the entire residence grounds in large puddles and small droplets. Dead and unconscious bodies littered the place, but with the dirt and blood dusting their faces, Jaemin couldn't recognize anyone.

It had been hours since Jaemin was left on the floor, the only person awake, and since then, he's been crying, screaming, and blaming himself. The physical pain he was in was excruciating, but that hardly compared to the pain clawing at his heart.

Since they left, no one had come by. Not a servant, not a guard.

Staring at the entrance to the palace, Jaemin has not seen a person walk by, but that was expected.

The Palace of Longlife Purity was a very isolated place. It was far from the other palaces, as per request of Renjun, and there were many pathways that never crossed it, so, despite the many calls Jaemin made, no one could hear, and naturally, no one responded.

Maybe that was why Yimu got away.


Jaemin slammed his head into the ground, dirt digging into the cut on his face, but he could hardly care about that. Mixing with his tears, the cut stung even more.

If he realized that sooner, he could've told the emperors and-


His head snapped up at the call of his name, the voice sounding familiar.

"J-Jaemin-ah? Where are you?" The voice was rough and raspy from waking up.

"J-Jeno? I-is that you? A-are you awake?" Using the last of his strength, Jaemin dragged himself across the ground to the pavilion stairs; his legs were still numb and paralyzed from the toxin. "J-Jeno-ah!"

The said male was dizzy. He sat leaning against the railing of the pavilion, rubbing his temples. Out of the other unconscious people, Jeno was the first one to wake up, but there was a big chance that the others would not be awake for another few hours—he had also trained in immunity to toxins.

"Aackk!" Jaemin yelped when his injured arm suddenly started stinging when he grazed the edge of a stair.

Alarmed, Jeno gazed over, squinting his eyes at him. Everything was blurry and spinning, and Jeno couldn't figure out his surroundings. It felt like he just woke up a little too quickly, discombobulating everything around him.

When his eyes finally went into focus, he noticed the bloodied mark on the younger's face and crawled over hurriedly. "Nana, what- what happened?"

Jaemin's face was indeed covered in blood, with a dark red cut through half of his face. His right eye was closed, but the eyelid was red and swollen from pain. Tears rimmed his eyes and dried and wet tear streaks drowned and painted his face.

Immediately, Jeno helped Jaemin up, grabbing him gently by the shoulders and sitting him against the railing. A large hand reached over and gently cupped Jaemin's uninjured cheek, wiping away the tears streaming down his face. Seeing the angry red mark on his face from a closer distance, Jeno winced painful. "H-how did this-"

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