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One Hundred Thirteen
Updated: July 22, 2024

The early autumn nights were cool but not cold, its breeze a light comforting touch after a day of sweat and sweltering heat. Autumn nights were something Renjun always enjoyed, even as a child. There was something calming, something nostalgic about them that Renjun couldn't pass up.

When that was abruptly taken from him about a year ago, the magical feeling of Autumn nights vanished. Even now, Renjun's schedule had been stuffed from dawn to dusk, not a moment for him to stop and watch the stars and moon for even a few minutes. The times he did have to himself weren't even when the sun was down, and they were spent inside, cooling down as he painted.

"Goodnight, Your Majesty," said Yinxi as he left the room, closing the doors gently. The eunuch had come just a moment to collect some of Renjun's robes that had suffered damage in the last few weeks, to get them repaired with the seamstresses. He came and went within a few minutes, not once lingering, which Renjun appreciated, given his condition.

The night was still young, but Renjun's exhaustion from that day had already started to weigh heavily on him. Fortunately, he had dressed down to his sleepwear before Yinxi had come, covering himself up with only a light outer layer for some decency. As he went around the room to blow out the candles, he took off the outer layer, holding it in his arms. Xiao Yue watched him with a tilt in her head as she sat by the door, wondering why they weren't going out for a walk.

Renjun looked at her, "Xiao Yue." He turned to his medicine cabinet and picked a dried piece of meat out of the pouch on the wooden furniture, watching as Xiao Yue bounded to him excitedly. He pulled his sleeve back as he handed the treat to the wolf-dog. "Let's sleep, okay?" As if she understood, she took the treat between her jaws and padded to the bed, jumping up and laying down at her spot as she happily enjoyed her nighttime snack.

However, just as Renjun was about to blow out the last few candles, a knock came at his door.

"Injoonie! It's me. You aren't sleeping yet, are you?"

Renjun's heart skipped a beat as the voice behind the door. He had forgotten the two of them had moved back into his palace residence a few days ago, still as guests—he'll have to arrange permanent residences for them soon. Looking at his door, he could see the faint silhouette of two men, and for a moment, he hesitated to answer them, his fingers trembling.



"Lower your voice, Nana. If people hear you calling the emperor by his first name, you'll-"

"Ah, who cares? It's just us three here anyway. Plus, Injoonie doesn't care. He hadn't scolded me yet. Hey! Injoonie, are you awake?"

"Stop, Nana. He's probably asleep now. We should go."


When he thought they were turning to leave, Renjun felt his heart quiver, and without knowing, his feet rushed to the door and his hands pushed open the door. His gaze first met their chests before they shifted up—they hadn't even begun to turn around. "You... you wanted something...?" He asked, voice low in embarrassment. When Xiao Yue squeezed her way through them with her treat in her jaws, it made Renjun feel even more embarrassed.

Jeno's face flushed when he noticed Renjun wearing only just his undergarments.

"Do you want to have a little drink?" Jaemin held up a white porcelain jar with a teasing smile as he shook it gently, letting the liquor inside slosh around. "It's nice out tonight." He gazed back at Xiao Yue, who had found herself a comfortable position under the table of the pavilion. "Look, even she knows its nice out."

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