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Forty Five
Updated: October 4, 2021
Edited: December 29, 2021

June fourteen.

Renjun's been in his room for twelve days now. Twelve days of isolation. Twelve days to his dark thoughts. Twelve days of nightmares.

He never took Yangyang's advice to visit the doctor. He stopped mentioning it to any of his guards the day Yangyang gave his advice, telling them he was fine. He didn't want to worry them. He didn't want to worry anyone, but no matter what he did or said, they did just that.

Throughout this time, he's done something thinking. Not the kind of thinking he always did. He thought about what Jeno and Jaemin told him that other day, and he couldn't help but agree.

He couldn't sit and do nothing. He couldn't, even though he wanted to. He wanted to hide, to run, to stay away from all kinds of danger. But if he did that, the danger would still come to him no matter if he wanted it or not. He needed to get up, to move, to fight back, to face that danger.

He had a month and a half to prepare. It was plenty of time. Plenty of time to prepare for the predicted battle, or whatever it might be. It was plenty of time for Renjun to get stronger, right? Plenty of time.




Renjun let out a soft whimper and turned away from his fiancés' doors. He was there to talk to them, to open up, to hang... out...?

He frowned, hugging his arms as he shuffled away. Maybe it wasn't a very good idea. He didn't have enough time. Nothing was going to get done. He wasn't going to get stronger. He wasn't-

The door behind him slid open, and he froze.

"Hyung...?" It was Jaemin.

Renjun turned around, his eyes lowered. The younger was wearing a cloud blue set of hanfu, which brushed the tips of his white shoes. Behind him was another prince, wearing a black set with pointed shoulders.

"I- uh... sorry." He turned back around and tried to run off again.

"Injoon," Jeno stopped him, "you want to come to dinner with us?" There was a reassuring smile on his face when he spoke. "Jaemin and I discovered one a while back. I mean, if you don't want to, we can always stay with you."

The Chinese turned slowly, his eyes refusing to meet theirs, gaze hovering just under their neck. "I- uh... I- I'll go."

His fiancés smiled fondly. "We can leave when you're ready," said Jeno, stepping out of the room, pulling Jaemin out with him.

"O-okay, thanks." Renjun shuffled back to his room.

"What is it, Renjun?" Guanheng asked, seeing the prince walk up to them. "Something happen?"

The prince shook his head. "I- I'm just going o-out of the c-city with them."

"Do you want us to come with you?" Kun asked.

Renjun only nodded. "Just g-give me a few m-moments. I-"

Kun didn't say another word and opened the door, stepping aside to let the crown prince in.

Huang Renjun didn't really need anything besides his wolf-dog and his sword, but he stayed in his room for a few minutes, thinking to himself, taking a few breaths to calm down. It was going to be a long night, and he knew it.

"Xiao Yue," he called softly to the sleeping animal by the foot of his bed. She was lying comfortably, her snout tucked under the fluff of her tail. "We are g-going out."

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