
275 26 8

Sixty Seven
Updated: April 4, 2022
Edited: March 7, 2024


"Injoon? Injoon, is that you?"

"Nana! H-help me! Help m-me! Please!"

Jaemin looked around, trying to find the source, but the voice sounded from everywhere—above him, below him, behind him, in front of him.

"Nana! Please! Nana!"

The room was pitch black with not a single corner, wall, or floor visible. It felt like Jaemin wasn't in a room but in a dark void. Even as his eyes adjusted, nothing could be seen. He spun around mindlessly looking for something, anything that could be made out to be an object, but there was nothing. Nothing but darkness.

"Injoon-hyung! Hyung, where are you!?"

"Nana! H-help me! I don't want to go!" The voice was being dragged away.

The prince started running in a direction, trying to catch up with it. "Where are you? Injoon-hyung!" He started to panic when the voice started to sound more and more desperate. "Hyung! Where are you? I'm coming!"

There was a bloodcurdling scream to the left of him, and Jaemin froze.


"S-stop! Stop! Stop!" The voice pleaded. "I-I don't want it! I don't want it!"

Jaemin's dropped, and his blood boiled as he began running towards the voice. "I'm coming! Hyung! I'm coming!"

"Nana! N-Nana! Help! I'm scared! I'm scared! I want to go home!" Renjun's voice shook, sounding weaker and softer, almost a scared whisper.

"Hyung! Don't worry! I'll find you! I'll find you!"

"Please... Nana... I'm scared. I-" The voice suddenly yelped. "No... no... no... I'm scared... I don't want it..."


"I'm coming! Hyung! Tell me where you are!"

"Nana! Nana! Ple-mmphff!"


Suddenly there was a muffled scream and a cry. A cry that ripped through the air with rough and pained undertones. It was a cry for his name. A cry that sounded so far yet so close. "Na-Nana! H-h-help me! Help me! Help!"

Jaemin continued running, breaking into a fast yet painful sprint in one direction, but no matter how far he ran, he didn't seem to make it any farther than he did seconds ago. "I-I'M COMING!" His throat burned and cracked, his stomach churned and bubbled angrily at him, and he wanted to throw up. His muscles cramped and felt as if they were about to rip, but he forced himself to run. He forced himself to run, to keep moving, to not give up. He had to save him. He had to, no matter what it took, even if it cost him his life.

Because he promised them. He promised their parents, he promised Renjun, he promised Jeno, he promised himself that he would keep Renjun safe. Safe from dangers, from horrors, from pain, from suffering.

"AHHH!" There was a shriek. One of pain and fear.

The prince tripped, falling flat onto his stomach. "I'm coming!" He huffed as he struggled to push himself back onto his sore legs.

Then, a scream sounded just in front of him.

Jaemin gazed up immediately, his eyes widening with fear.

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