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Eighty Seven
Updated: July 11, 2023

"Your Imperial Highnesses," greeted a man donned head to toe in the white-blue uniform of the Frozen Battalion. He bowed at the two crown princes with grace and dignity, head dipped firmly before straightening his posture.

"This is the map?" Asked the older of the two princes, as the two of them followed one another into the rather large map room.

"Yes, Your Highness. This map," the man gestured to the large hand drawn map laying flat on the table in the center of the room, "was drawn by the Battalion's best cartographer."

To the princes' surprise, this map was something none of them had ever seen before. Even having the best cartographers in their empires, their skills can't compare to the skills of this one. Each detail of every portion of the Kang empire was extremely well sketched and noted with the name of every store, restaurant, inn, and building written in neat handwriting.

"Many of my scouts had traveled to these areas and noted each and every movement that Kang's patrols had made in the span of the past week near its Imperial City." The man wearing the armor of the Frozen Battalion wasn't just any random soldier. This man was Commander Song, first Commander under the Great General Chen, his right hand. He, just like General Chen, was extremely skilled in the art of war and the art of strategy. He commanded half of the thirty thousand men stationed at the border that the general had so kindly lent to the princes, and he had personally recruited thousands of the battalion's finest men, including this extremely skilled cartographer who created this masterpiece of a map.

Standing on the map were small red flags, spread throughout the entire space, marking the said patrols.

"Each of these patrols have around three to five men each." The commander then moved some of the flags and took a little less than half of the flags off of the map. "This is around noon, when most of the patrols have gone on break." He continued to shift the flags around, keeping around the same number of flags on the map. "For the next two hours until mid-afternoon, the numbers of patrols will fluctuate, but remain at about the same number." More flags were then taken off to where there was just a little less than half of the original amount standing on the map. "From dusk to dawn, these are the amount of patrols active. Although not many, Your Highnesses must take into account that there are guards and soldiers ready to move on command if their City were to ever get attacked."

Jeno stood still, pondering quietly with his brows twisted in serious thought.

This type of security was simple and ordinary. It was on the weaker side considering how many men were off-duty in a day. On average, in one hour, there were probably a little over half of the total men on duty, which is a security risk for the empire. However, with more men off-duty, there were just as many men who were well-rested enough to fight to their full potential if any attack were to suddenly ensue. And, considering the obvious position of the two crown princes along with the Frozen Battalion, every one of these men, on-duty or not, were very much well alerted, so it may prove to be difficult to find a good opening.

"How about a distraction?"

Both Jeno and the commander looked over to Jaemin, who had been quiet for a bit.

"It's a common tactic, but it could work." Jaemin reached over and picked up a few of the blue flags, placing them near where they are currently stationed in Kang. "We send a large-scale attack to the front gate and smaller attacks to the sides," he grabbed more of the blue flags and placed them to the side doors into the City, "while we quietly sneak into the back." There was one small blue flag away from all of the others.

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