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Twenty Nine
Updated: May 10, 2021
Edited: November 14, 2021

Knock, knock, knock. Three soft yet quick knocks came from the door. It was the middle of the night, so he wasn't expecting any guests at this time, but he quickly hid everything that was on his messy desk before standing up to answer the door. "Who is-" before he was able to even finish his question, two short arms wrapped around him warmly.

"I missed you," cried the shorter man.

Tears began to soak his clothing, but he didn't mind. Instead, his own arms went around to tightly envelop the shorter, pulling him closer. It had been so long since he heard this voice. So long since he felt this warmth, so he held on tightly as if the shorter could disappear, as if he would be pulled away at any moment.

"When did you get here?" The taller asked, still holding on tightly and protectively.

"Recently, but, Jagi, I can't stay very long. I-I have to go soon. They have people watching everywhere." The shorter tried to pull away, only to be pulled back into the embrace.

"Don't go, yet, please. Just a few seconds longer before you go, yeah?" The taller tucked his head into the shorter's neck, breathing in the familiar scent of faint rosemary. "I just want to hold you for a bit longer."

"Jagi-ya," the shorter began, a faint smile on his face, "I will see you more often. I heard you were here, so I ran here just to pay you a short visit."

The taller finally pulled away to admire the other's face, tears brimming his eyes. How beautiful. He never seemed to fall in his beauty. Every time he saw his partner, he seemed twice as beautiful as the last time. "If you have to go, then, okay. Be careful though, I don't want to lose you."

"Jagi-ya, what we are doing is already very risky. This meeting might even be our last." The shorter felt a stinging in his eyes, tears threatening to form again and his voice caught in his throat. "I-I don't want to lose you either, b-but we have no choice. W-we just have to be careful."

The taller cupped the shorter's round face with his two hands, gently wiping away the wet streams of tears on his face. "Be very, very careful." He leaned down and planted a long savory kiss on his lips before pulling away. "I love you, alright?"

He smiled, "I love you too, so very much." He then pulled away regretfully. Before closing the door, he took one last glance at his lover, longing to hug him once again, but he didn't and faded back into the shadows.

The man was left alone in his room, the warmth from his lover still present all over his body. Oh, how he wished things weren't the way they were. He could spend every waking minute with him and not have to worry about his safety. But, his lover was right. They had no choice. They had to complete this mission until the end, until that person was dead.


Where is he? Donghyuck asked himself. He was looking everywhere in his palace for his fiancé. He even searched the places Minhyung wouldn't be in, but he was nowhere to be seen. Where had he gone?

Donghyuck found it quite strange actually. Minhyung would disappear once a week in the middle of the night and come back at noon, but recently, he started disappearing more and more often. It first was once a week, twice a week, three times a week, and then four times a week. It was so frequent, Donghyuck barely saw him, not even in the day because the older would be spending time sleeping. What was happening? Why was he going off without notice? There were times where Geuseo, Minhyung's servant, would stay and let Donghyuck know what was happening, but now, he felt like those were all just excuses.

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