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Twenty Four
Updated: March 1, 2021
Edited: October 10, 2021

"The Huang Emperor has arrived!"

Renjun looked up from his book with a snap of his head, surprised to hear the announcement of his father's arrival. His father was constantly busy with state affairs, barely having time to spend much time with family, so why was he here and not elsewhere?

He lay the book on his desk as he stood up, shuffling out of his room to greet his father, who came around the pavilion. He bowed, hands folded politely. "Good morning, Father. What brings you here? Aren't you busy with the council?"

Xinyue only chuckled, "am I not allowed to visit my son?"

Renjun panicked, his hands dropping to his sides. "Father, that's not what I meant. Aren't you busy?"

Before there was a response, the emperor walked up to the pavilion and took a seat. "My son, come sit down. I'm too old to be standing for long," he chuckled in his deep voice, gesturing Renjun to go over to him.

Renjun only obeyed his father and sat down across from him.

"I have been busy, and to be honest," he leaned in towards his son and spoke in a low whisper, "I never liked any of the council members anyway. They always want so much from me. Things that I can't always grant, so I had today's meetings canceled."

"Father! You can't-"

The old emperor shushed his son, "don't make a scene. I just wanted to come see if you are doing alright with your fiancés."

Renjun felt like time had frozen at the mention of the two of them.

"So, how are you getting along with them? I hope they treat you well."

"Fa-father," Renjun didn't know how to respond. Yes, they were treating him well and nothing terrible was happening, but there was still some unease. He also didn't know how to tell his father that he isn't actively hanging out with his fiancés, but is still talking to them.

Xinyue raised his brows, waiting for a response, leaning towards his son a little more.


"Your Majesty," interrupted two princes. They had come out of their room upon hearing the arrival of the Huang Emperor. They didn't want to be disrespectful and decided to come out to greet him.

Huang Xinyue sat up, his face brightening more upon hearing their voices. "Ah! My sons!"

Sons? Since when did Renjun's father start calling his fiancés that? And, how did Renjun not know about this-

Oh, wait.

His father had been too busy to say anything.

Jeno let out a chuckle, bowing beside Jaemin as the emperor came down from the pavilion, "if we knew you were coming, we could've cleaned up a bit and dressed better." The two were dressed quite well already, considering their closets are full of expensive clothing, but it wasn't the type of clothing one would wear in the presence of the emperor.

"Don't worry about it. This old man wouldn't stay long anyway. I had come to check on my sons, wondering if you all are getting along well." He raised Jeno's and Jaemin's arms as he walked up to them, standing them up from their bows.

"Father, we are doing just fine," Renjun answered before any of the younger princes did. He didn't want them to say anything that didn't appeal to the emperor because he just knew that he would be nagged by him as his mother had done a month ago.

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