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Updated: March 3, 2020
Edited: September 2, 2021

Everything seemed to be just fine before they left, ignoring the fact Renjun had guests, but now, everything was completely off. Not just off, things had seemed to have gone wrong. There was yelling and very high-pitched sounding screams. Chenle had a similar scream, but it wasn't so... feminine.

The princes' eyes widened the moment they stepped foot into the palace. There were broken bottles of what used to be filled with the color pigments, which were now splattered all over the bismuth paths and dirt ground. The seven boys, who were expected to be kneeling, were instead crowding into Renjun's room, where the source of the yelling and screaming came from.

"Ah, Injoon-hyung!" Donghyuck called, noticing the three of them step back in. "We didn't mean any of this, we promise. We tried to stop her, but she barged in anyway. She's insane, Injoon." Donghyuck's voice was panicked, quivering slightly.

The others turned to look back at Donghyuck when he spoke and froze. They weren't expecting Renjun to be home so early. The sun was still up. They hoped that they would be able to clean this mess up before he returned, but now, that didn't seem like it was going to happen at all.

"Renjun-ge," Chenle's voice was raspy. He had been using his loud voice to try to call out to the woman, to try to get her to stop whatever she was doing, to no avail.

"Hyung, don't go in there. She's crazy!" Jisung was covered in pigment. Whoever was inside must've thrown bottles at him.

Renjun went inside, Xiao Yue by his side, regardless of the protests he was receiving from the group.

"Injoonie! My baby! I missed you!" A woman ran towards him, arms wide about to embrace him.

Renjun took a step back, eyes wide.

This woman, who was she? Why was she in his room? How did she get here? How did she manage with all of these people in his palace? Did she invite herself in? Broke in? Intruded onto his property?

"G-get away from m-me!" Renjun nearly screamed. He was absolutely terrified. He continuously stepped back, step after step, trying to keep his distance between him and the stranger until his foot caught onto the wood of the threshold of his door, and he fell backwards. His head hit hard on the concrete floor outside.

Before he could get up, his head spun. There was a faint barking. He couldn't hear very well. He felt dizzy. There was yelling all around him. He saw figures running around in a panic, but he couldn't make out who was who.

Xiao Yue stood over, barking intimidatingly at the woman. Her partner was nearly unconscious, and she knew it. The moment she scented the sharp and sourness of blood from Renjun, protecting him was the one thing she needed to do. She could hardly care who was who.

"Can I have a break, Father?" he breathed, panting heavily after a long sparring session with the emperor. There were beads of sweat rolling down his forehead, and even though his hair was put up in a high ponytail, it wasn't looking the neatest.

"Yes, of course," his father sounded just as tired, but he kept it subtle. "We can end the day here." It was just past noon, but Xinyue could tell Renjun wasn't into training that day. His son looked absolutely exhausted and probably hadn't gotten a night of good sleep the night before, so he didn't want to push the boy past his limits.

"Oh, okay, thank you." Renjun bowed respectfully to the elder, earning a chuckle in return.

"Get a good rest. We'll have to make up for the progress we lost tomorrow."

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