
351 24 28

Forty Four
Updated: September 27, 2021
Edited: December 29, 2021

Deep breaths. Yongqin told himself, attempting to calm down his beating heart. "Calm down, it's not like you've never met him before. You've traveled with him. You've kissed him. You've hugged him. You're his goddamn boyfriend, calm down," he scolded himself quietly.

It still didn't work. He felt faint with his anxiety building up. His mind overflowed with thoughts, and his heart felt as if it would beat right out of him. Standing in front of Youngho's door didn't make it any better.

He took another deep breath, closing his eyes, completely oblivious to the sound of the door in front of him sliding open until his eyes opened.

The two males stared at each other, eyes taking each other in.

The taller man hesitated a moment, his mouth opening. He didn't know what to say, only managing to get out, "T-Ten?" He didn't expect to have a visitor at this time of night, especially for that visitor to be his boyfriend.

'Ten' smiled in return, hearing the familiar warm voice. He felt his heartbeat increase, and the tips of his ears turn red. "Hi, Love, how-"

Without wasting another second staring at each other, Yongqin was pulled into the room by a strong pair of arms, enveloped in a warm embrace as the door was closed behind them. Yongqin didn't say a word, only returning the hug, pressing his face into Youngho's chest, breathing in the familiar warm scent that always calmed him down.

Youngho held the younger close to his chest, tucking his head into Yongqin's neck. "You're okay," he whispered, feeling like it was too unreal. "You're okay. You're really okay." He couldn't believe it.

Yongqin hissed in pain when Youngho hugged him a little too hard, digging a bit into his injuries. "You- you're hurting me, Jagi-ya."

"O-oh, I'm sorry." Youngho pulled back hurriedly, his hands still lingering on the shorter's shoulders. "Where are you injured? I can-"

"No, no, no, I'm okay." Yongqin smiled softly again, feeling tears forming in his eyes. He loved this man with all of his heart. He really did. The warm aura that emanated from him was calming. It was reassuring. An aura Yongqin liked to call home.

Youngho was shocked to see tears fall from the younger's face. "What's wrong? Why are you crying? Are you hurt? Did I hurt you? Did-"

Yongqin sniffled, bringing a hand up to wipe away his tears. "If I said I'm happy, would you believe me?" He was still smiling when his tears dried.

"Of course I would. Why would I not? I would believe everything you're saying. You're the love of my life, the one reason I'm alive. The-"

Yongqin chuckled as the older trailed off, who only stopped when the younger grabbed his large hand and pulled him to the table, sitting the man down.

The entire time, Youngho could only watch the younger with his mouth agape in disbelief. He just couldn't believe his love was in front of him, like physically in front of him. He was happy, don't get him wrong, he just had a horrible feeling in his gut. "A-are you leaving soon?"

Yongqin left Youngho to pull a chair up next to him before he once again picked up his hand gingerly. For a long moment, Yongqin only observed the veins, bones, and hairs on the hand, rubbing his thumb over the knuckles softly, memorizing each detail as if he would never see them again. "The Emperor wanted me to go back to Kang again for a month or so. Yimu is planning something in August, so they want me to find out what it is."


He looked up at Youngho with a soft chuckle, "don't worry, Jagi-ya, I'm not leaving for a week." He noticed Youngho visibly relaxed. "I visited Minhyung earlier. He's worried about the guards. Kind of ironic, don't you think? I'm his enemy yet he worries for me."

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