
794 33 15

Updated: August 20, 2020
Edited: September 5, 2021

The dinner ended, but Minhyung wasn't headed back to the Palace of Sky and Heaven. He walked in the same direction, but he passed the turn, and instead, continued walking to the Imperial Garden, located farther into the inner court.

The guards standing by the door stopped the prince from entering, holding their spears together. "You are forbidden to enter."

Minhyung sighed. He stuck a hand into his sleeve and pulled out a gold pendant with the Huang royalty seal carved on it. He held it up towards the guards, and upon immediately seeing the pendant, the guards backed away, apologizing.

They opened the gate without another question.

Minhyung walked in with a smirk. The setting sun's light lit up some of the plants and paths in the garden. It was getting darker and darker as time went by. Minhyung only had a few moments to do what he needed to do.

"I'm surprised you haven't been caught by anyone, especially by that lovely fiancé of yours," chuckled a voice. A man stood under the roof of the pavilion in the middle of the garden, his face hidden by the shadows. The man's hanfu were a dark blue color, with a few specs of white. It was the uniform belonging to the Prime Minister of the Huang Empire.

"He's too much of an idiot to figure that out, or maybe, my acting is just too good to be seen through," Minhyung laughed, walking up to the pavilion. The flirty and caring appearance the prince always had seemed to have completely vanished, replaced by a more sinister one.

"I honestly feel kind of bad for him, being played by his significant other and all," the man chuckled, watching as the younger male walked up next to him.

"Don't feel bad for him. He's related to that crown prince and his family. Feeling bad for him would be like feeling bad for a whole pack of thieving hyenas."

The man cackled at that, "that's a good one. They really are hyenas, aren't they?" There was a slight pause before the man continued, "any interesting news regarding that prince?"

"Well, he's been able to begin to care for others' wounds, but I have a feeling he's been able to do that for a while now. The next thing is his two fiancés and that dog of his. Both are constantly around him, so if Yimu were to strike now, he would have to find a way to remove those three from Huang's side."

"Nothing else?"

Minhyung paused for a moment and thought before nodding. "The prince seems to still be as scared of people as ever. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not."

The man beside the prince smirked, unnoticed to the younger. "That, I don't know of either," he lied, "but if that's all you have to report, I shall be on my way."

When Minhyung didn't say a word, the Prime Minister began to walk away towards the exit of the garden.


The mentioned man turned around with a huff. "Here, you address me as Prime Minister," he scolded with a glare.

Minhyung took a step back and nodded apologetically. "My apologies, Hy- Prime Minister."

The older male turned and left the garden with a small wave of his sleeves. The young prince didn't even get to say what he wanted to say to the older.

He sighed, he'll have to mention it some other time.

The male looked around for a bit, before realizing he had to tend to his fiancé and ran out of the garden to the Palace of Sky and Heaven, the place he was supposed to be thirty minutes ago.

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