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Ninety Five
Updated: September 25, 2023

"Young Master." Guhyung's voice was soft and gentle, just as it had always been, but there was a slight change in the tone of his voice. It sounded lighter, more relaxed as if all of the tension that had been building up these few months had been finally released.

"Yes?" Donghyuck was walking just ahead of his servant. He too had a change in his appearance. His complexion was more colorful, and he had gained a bit of weight. His once sullen cheeks were slowly returning to their round plumpness, and he looked healthier.

"I heard the Second Young Master is waiting for you back at the Palace of Longlife Purity. He had come the day you were spending the night in the dungeons, and although this one had filled him in with the situation, he still insisted on wanting to speak with you."

"Ah, really?" Although he was slowly returning to his old self, there was one thing that hadn't shown any signs of returning.

"Yes. He-"


Speak of the devil.

Just as Donghyuck stepped into the residence, a young seventeen-year-old with freshly dyed black hair came charging towards him with his arms spread out and tears streaming down his face. "HYUNG!!"

And before the older could even react, Chenle had engulfed his older brother in a choking hug. "Ack!"

"Hyung... I thought you were never coming back! I- I thought you were- were-"

"Chenle-ssi!" Shouted another who was just on Chenle's tail. "Stop being dramatic! We knew-"

"What do you know, Jisung?" Chenle snapped with a pout.

Jisung only sighed as he peeled Chenle off of Donghyuck. "Sorry, Hyung. Ever since we heard from Guhyung that you were going to spend the night in the dungeon and help out the Frozen Battalion's Fifth Commander, Lele's been panicking."

"Jisung-ah! What do you mean I've been panicking? I've been more than just panicked! I've been worried sick! My hyung is still very weak, and he was asked to sleep in a cold dungeon for a night? How can someone not be worried?"

Jisung could only smile innocently at Donghyuck as he did his best to hold back the other prince.

"Are you hurt, Hyung?" Chenle turned his attention to his older brother, looking as if he hadn't seen him in years as he tried to climb away from Jisung. "They- they didn't hurt you did they? The- the finger trap- they-"

Of course they knew about the finger trap. Guhyung had relayed everything he was told from one of the commander's soldiers to the two young princes just as he said he would.

Donghyuck scoffed lightly as he brought his hands from behind his back and held them up. Although they were scarred from the incident months ago, there were no signs of injury from the finger trap that was placed on his fingers. They were smooth and clean with not even a sign that there was a torture device sitting around them. "I'm not injured, see?"

Chenle's face was in relieved shock. "Wha-"

Gently, with those same hands, Donghyuck grasped Chenle's arm, pulling the younger from Jisung. "Let's go talk inside. I'll answer any question you have." He led the two younger princes into his room, where Guhyung then went off and prepared some tea and desserts from the kitchen.

"How..." Chenle was still in disbelief.

"It was just an act, Lele," said Jisung. "Guhyung told us the other day."

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