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Thirty Three
Updated: July 5, 2021
Edited: December 28, 2021

"Hyungie? Are you in there?" The tanned prince asked. He wanted to show his fiancé his newly trimmed and dyed hair. Donghyuck had his servant trim his hair to just below his shoulder blades, and he quite liked the feel of it. It was lighter and much easier to manage. He also had his hair dyed a lighter shade of brown and styled with small braids and a half-bun.

Donghyuck received no response from anyone inside the room.

"Minhyung?" He asked again, knocking on the wooden frame.


The prince raised a brow. The voice didn't come from the room. He looked around and noticed his former teacher walking towards him. Donghyuck bowed respectfully to the older. "Youngho-hyung."

Youngho bowed in return. "I think you should leave Minhyung alone." He put his arm around the younger's shoulder turning him away from the door, subtly sending a glare towards the room.

Donghyuck frowned, glancing back at the quiet room then back at Youngho. "I miss him, Hyung."

Youngho gently rubbed his back, and with a sigh, he responded, "I know you do."

"He's been in there for so long," croaked Donghyuck. "He's been avoiding me for so long, Hyung. I-I don't even know if he's dead or alive anymore. I barely get to see him."

Youngho felt his own eyes stinging. He felt the same pain as the prince. That same pain of longing. He understood him. The feeling of wanting to pull your lover from whatever they are busy with and cover them with hugs and kisses. The feeling of loss when your lover is away. When you haven't seen them in a long time. And the feeling when you don't know how they are doing. If they are happy, or if they are in pain. If they are alive or dead. He understood it all, probably more than Donghyuck did.

He sucked back his emotions, leading the younger to his room. "You will see him one day," he reassured. "As long as you know he's there, you will get to see him one day."

Donghyuck nodded.

Changing the topic, Youngho said, "since it's almost your coming of age ceremony, do you have anything in mind that you want?" He took Donghyuck's crutches out of his hands and sat him at the table.

Donghyuck completely forgot about his birthday. It was the next week, right? He couldn't remember. He didn't even have time to think about his birthday, or about what he wanted. He had been caught up with his own fiancé.

He shrugged at Youngho's question. "I'll take anything at this point."

"Anything? Even if I gave you a sack of horse excrement?"

Donghyuck shrugged, "why not? I'll take it."

Really? This boy wasn't doing well.

"We could plant some flowers in the palace."

Youngho sighed, pouring the two of them a cup of tea, "you need to get your mind off of him. Thinking about him constantly will get you nowhere in life."

"But without him, how am I supposed to get anywhere?"

Youngho was left speechless. He didn't know how to answer the question. He thought about his lover all the time, but even without him, he could still get things done. How? He didn't know, so how was he supposed to answer the question?

After a long silence from the older, Donghyuck asked, "Do you think he still loves me?"

He didn't know the answer to that one either. He didn't know what Minhyung was thinking. He was a traitor. He's committing treason against Huang, half of his own lover's blood, and he's hiding. For what reason? No one but Minhyung knew. Youngho really didn't know if Minhyung was still faithful. For all he knew, Minhyung could still love Donghyuck or hate him to the end of the world.

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