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Fifty Seven
Updated: January 1, 2022


The aforementioned glanced up as he took a sip from the bowl of miyeok guk in front of him. "Hm?"

"Where's Injoon-hyung? Didn't we call him to eat dinner?"

Jeno glanced over in the direction of Renjun's room. The two of them were hanging out under the pavilion again, eating dinner.

They did indeed call Renjun to eat. They told him dinner was going to be at six, and it's already been twenty minutes since then. They even sent a servant to remind him ten minutes before the expected time, but where was he? Did something happen? Did he pass out under his armor?

"You want to check?"

"Mhm." Jaemin placed his chopsticks down and got up. "I'll be right back."

"Alright. If something happened, call me."

"I know. I know."

As he made his way over to the familiar room, a feeling of dread built up in his stomach. Jaemin didn't know why, but he somehow just suddenly assumed a handful of things happened. Knocking gently on the door, he called out, "Hyung? Are you there? Dinner is ready!"

It was unusually quiet. The candles inside were lit, Jaemin could see it through the rice paper, but he couldn't hear anything from inside, not even the tiniest sounds of shuffling.


Still no response.

Nothing bad happened, right? Jaemin was really tempted to go in to find out for himself, but he didn't just want to barge into Renjun's private space.

"Injoonie?" He knocked again and pressed his ear against the door. Maybe Renjun was just too quiet for him to hear.

But, still nothing.



Renjun hated that nickname. He would be yelling at Jaemin by now.


Jaemin turned around. "Yeah?"

Jeno was just behind him. He had come down from the pavilion after hearing Jaemin's useless calls. "He's not answering?"

The younger shook his head. "You don't think anything happened, right?"

"If something did, we would've heard it hours ago."


As Jeno walked up to the door and lifted his hand up to the frame to knock, the door slid open. Slowly.

On the other side was no one. No one was at the door. Renjun's figure was nowhere to be seen. That's when something barked at them.

Xiao Yue was there. She answered the door.

Jaemin crouched down, giving her a head pat. She didn't look worried or frightened. She looked quite happy, actually. The corner of her lips seems to curl upward. "Where's your friend?"

As if she understood him, she grabbed Jaemin's sleeve in her jaw and pulled him inside. He nearly knocked his head into the door at how strong she was.

When he was fully in the room, that's when he saw something strange.

"Jaemin-ah? What is it?" Jeno was a step behind the younger. "What do you-"

There was a helmet on the floor as well as pieces of armor scattered across the floor of the room, but it almost looked similar to a trail of armor leading to behind the room divider.

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