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Seventy Three
Updated: June 13, 2022

Dragging his feet, dirt and dust piled on top of his shoes, but Donghyuck didn't care. Keeping dirt out of his shoes was the least of his worries and priorities. It was uncomfortable, yes, but it was hardly anything. He had gotten used to it at this point. He's been moving around like this for months, what's another day of this going to do to him?

The snow of a few days ago had long melted, leaving only dirt and bare trees throughout the City. The temperatures had gone down rapidly, and so everyone began wearing thicker clothing with a robe tied around their shoulders. Even the guards began wearing thicker armor.

It was truly winter, but Donghyuck couldn't tell the difference.

Everything now was exactly the same as it was a month ago. The trees were still colorless, brown and gray, the sky was a dim blue, plants were wilting and rotting, and even the blue walls of the City were dark and dim. It all looked the same, none of this scenery changed for Donghyuck.

It was like he was frozen in time. In an infinite loop of forever winter.

But, whatever.

He didn't care anyway.

Everything was boring.

Boring and dead.

But, the Court was doing well, and so was the empire.

That's all he really knew. The food supply had been restocked just in time for the first snowstorm those days ago. His mother and aunt were healthy with their pregnant stomachs that seemed to be growing a little more every day.

"Good morning, Your Highness," greeted the standby guards as Donghyuck passed them, who only nodded in response.

He didn't know where he was going; he was just wandering. It seemed wherever he was going was the same as where he had been a minute ago. But, it didn't matter. It felt nice to move around a bit, around the boring and dead City. It was better than just staying seated in his room, alone with his dark thoughts.

Guhyung nor his entourage of servants and guards were anywhere near him as they were supposed to be. Donghyuck had dismissed them days ago, let them wander and do what they like. Of course, Guhyung protested by staying for a couple of days, but he did go off somewhere in the end. Wherever he was, Donghyuck still knew that the servant was around him somewhere, probably following him close behind in case something happened again.

But, right now the prince was alone, dragging himself through the pathways and roads of the City, passing palace after palace and building after building, wandering in circles as if he was trying to look for someone or something.

He was.

He was looking for so many things. Things that he already knew weren't in the City. Things that were far far away. Things that Donghyuck wished he could've held closer to his heart.

Every corner he turned and every palace and residence he passed, he hoped there would be something there, but each time, the hope he had extinguished just a little bit.

Eventually, Donghyuck found himself wandering into the Palace of Incurable Happiness, recognizing the water fountain and the dozen statues standing quite beautifully in the courtyard.

Walking up to one of the lions, he reached up with a hand and gently touched the textured nose, greeting an old friend.

The lion was beautifully carved and sculpted, its edges and curves almost as if it were a real predator sleeping on a rock. Its surface was smooth and rough from head to tail, with not a single dent or crack in its surface. Chenle had been taking care of it well for the last few years.

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