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Updated: November 11, 2019
Edited: August 23, 2021

He sat up, sweat and hair sticking to his forehead, his breath as quick as his heartbeat. He rolled onto the ground with a thump, scrambling to the medicine cabinet, opening five drawers. The drawers were all empty. He looked again, hoping that he was just seeing things. He thought wrong.

Renjun then turned to his last hope, which were the two silk pouches he used to carry some of the herbs with him. He crawled to the small table near his bed and grabbed the two pouches, opening them with shaking hands. The heart dropped, seeing absolutely nothing inside.

"Shit!" He sank to his heels, the pouches dropped on the floor. He felt a fuzzy body rub up against his shoulder, followed by a familiar whimper. It was his wolf-dog. She had woken up to the boy's scrambling around.

He turned to face his friend, reaching a shaking hand towards her head, running his slender fingers through her thick fur, attempting to relieve her worry for him. She made her way around his arm and laid down in front of him, her head on his lap, looking up at him.

"X-Xiao Yue, f-find Doctor Xu, p-please?" the Chinese boy begged the animal, struggling to untie the wooden access token that was attached to one of the two silk pouches before placing it in front of the wolf-dog's snout.

The token was to be given to the royal doctor. It was a token specifically made for Renjun when the prince ran out of medicine which relieved his anxiety.

Xiao Yue easily took it in her jaws and stood up. She walked around the wooden room divider and then to the rice paper doors. She used the short little rod Renjun had installed for her to easily slide open the doors with ease and slid it shut from the other side as she stepped out.

Renjun stood up carefully, not wanting to tip over. He felt sick. He was sick his body was still emitting sweat from the nightmare he had, and having no medicine at the moment only made it worse. His anxiety was frightening. It grew the more things weren't working out. So much so that he felt like he could drown in it.

A knock at his door frightened the Chinese prince, causing his knees to buckle.

"W-who is it?"

"Injoon-hyung, it's me!"

"D-donghyuck?" His little cousin barely spoke a single word of Chinese though his father was of Chinese descent. Lee Donghyuck always had trouble learning the language, though he did learn simple phrases to be able to understand his Chinese-speaking family. Donghyuck's little brother, Chenle, on the other hand, was the complete opposite. He loved to learn Chinese and preferred it over Korean. Because of this, the two brothers lived separately, though very occasionally they would visit each other.

"Yes. Your mother wanted me to let you know to get ready! Today's the day!" Donghyuck sounded ecstatic. He was excited to meet his fiancé once again for the special occasion.

"Y-yeah, right. Tell h-her I'll b-be there s-soon." Renjun wasn't as excited as Donghyuck was. He was turning eighteen, yes, but he's probably going to be engaged to someone who was two times older than he is. He didn't want another one of those experiences from ten years ago. Not again, not ever.

"You okay?"

"Yes, I'm f-fine for n-now."

"Mm. Okay. I'll see you later, hyung!" The younger male left with hasty footsteps, probably to tell the empress about Renjun's current condition.

The Chinese boy sighed, standing back up again, using his bed as assistance. He carefully made his way to his closet which was across the room from his medicine cabinet. He looked inside at the neatly folded clothes, searching for the new ceremonial clothing he received the day before and the three-bell collar he had handmade for Xiao Yue. His clothes were on one of the higher selves which he had to stand on his toes to reach. The wolf-dog's collar was located in a corner in a small stack of some of her other collars.

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