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Updated: May 5, 2020
Edited: September 4, 2021

Jeno watched Renjun's room from the pavilion. Jeno had helped Jaemin change out of his stained clothes and had come back out. There were servants who entered right after they left, so after the two princes finished changing, they waited for an opportunity to go back inside.

Once Jeno saw the last two exit out, he grabbed Jaemin's arm and helped him onto his feet. They started walking towards the room.

"Jeno, I can walk," Jaemin said, patting Jeno's arm, telling him to stop helping him.

"You sure?" Jeno said, sending the younger a questioning look, who nodded in affirmation. He carefully released Jaemin's arm, but never removed his light grip, afraid he'll go tumbling to the floor. Once he saw that Jaemin could walk and stand on his own with not much trouble, he let go slowly.

"What were you planning?"

"Just looking around." Jeno slid open the door, letting Jaemin go in first before following behind him.


"I want to see if what I'm suspecting about him is true."

"What do you mean?"

"Remember how I said that he might be scared of people?"


"He might have something that causes him or even something that he experienced that led to him to be frightened of people." Jeno looked around the room. There were two small drawers behind the desk and an overly large closet that Renjun had taken out his clothes from. It looked a little too large to just be filled with clothes. "Nana, can you look through his closet?"

"What am I looking for?" Jaemin looked up at Jeno with a confused face. Was he supposed to look for something specific?

"Just anything that might look a bit suspicious." Jeno made his way to the first small cabinet just behind the desk. He opened the four drawers, flipping through the blank papers, leftover pigment, and ink. There was nothing between the paper nor anything at the bottom of the stacks. Then, he crawled over to the next. In this one, there were class notes, books, more ink, and more paper. There seemed to be nothing in these two cabinets, well, nothing suspicious.

"Jeno? I think I found something."

Hearing that, the aforementioned quickly scrambled to his fiancé's side. Peeking over his shoulder, he looked at what Jaemin was holding. Jaemin held it out for Jeno, who took it.

It was a piece of paper. It was old and had splotches of what seems to be a dried-up liquid. The words in those spots seemed to have spread, and the ink that was there spread out messily. The paper itself looked like it had been folded and unfolded many times, as he noticed the creases were slowly ripping the paper. Unfortunately, the words written were in Chinese, so neither Jaemin nor Jeno could understand what was said. It was written in the form of a letter and small doodles were drawn on the sides of the paper. It didn't look very professional.

"It's a love letter," Jaemin pointed out, as he pulled out more and more papers with the same splotches and the ripping creases. "So are these." He stood up straight and pointed to one of the splotches. "Those must be tears."

Jeno looked at the other supposed letters Jaemin held. They had the same pattern on all of them. There were doodles, splotches, and old creases, and there seemed to be over one hundred of them. He then looked at where Jaemin found these—the stack of dog collars were moved to the side and a piece of wood was moved from the bottom of the inside of the close,t opening up a hidden hole.

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