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Thirty Two
Updated: June 28, 2021
Edited: December 28, 2021

There was a knock at the door. Renjun looked over but didn't stop what he was doing, finishing up his painting of a doe taking care of its fawn. "Who is it?"

"It's Jaemin and Jeno."

"Come in."

The door slid open, and the princes stepped in carefully.

"What is it?" Renjun asked. The tips of his finger pinched the top two corners of the painting as he put his brush down and lifted it up in front of him to examine the product of his work.

"Injoonie~" Jaemin sang, skipping around the table to peek over at the painting.

Renjun recoiled, leaning away from Jaemin. "D-don't call me like that."

Jaemin giggled, happy with the reaction he received, "have you eaten lunch yet?" He backed up respectfully.

"No, not yet."

"Do you want to visit a restaurant that opened up recently?"

Renjun shook his head, standing up with the painting still in his hands.

"Why not? Did you not have fun the other night?" Jaemin frowned.

Walking towards the door, Jeno moved out of the way for the oldest. Renjun stepped out of his room and headed to his art room. Both Jaemin and Jeno followed him. "Jaemin, don't get me wrong, it was a good night, but I'm busy. I can't go out for lunch. M-maybe some other time."

Upon entering the room, Renjun picked up two clips from a bowl and reached up to the lines hanging above him.

"What will you be busy with?" Jeno asked, pulling the line down gently for him.

"Thanks." He clipped his painting to the line where there was room. "I'm visiting my father to talk about the letter from the other day. I don't know how long that will take, so you two will have to go yourselves."

Jaemin walked up behind him as Renjun detached some paintings that had already dried. "We could wait for you and have a late lunch."

Renjun looked up at Jaemin and shook his head, "you two should go and have fun. It's better to eat early than late." He put the dried paintings on a table.

"Won't you be eating late?" Jeno asked.

Renjun exited the room and waited until his fiancés left behind him before closing the door. "Don't worry about me," he said, shaking his head and making his way back to his room. Jeno and Jaemin just behind him. "I'm used to eating at unusual times anyway."

"Injoon-ah, you really should get acclimated to eating at regular times. It's not healthy to be eating irregularly," Jaemin explained.

Renjun picked up the small letter from the corner of his desk and tucked it into his clothing. "I told you not to worry about me. I'm alright. You two worry about yourselves for now. I might be able to join you two for lunch if the meeting finishes early," he shrugged.

Jaemin closed the door behind Renjun as they left the room. "In-"

He was nudged by Jeno, who quietly whispered, "Leave it alone."

Jaemin sighed with a frown, "if you say so, Injoon. We will be eating at Otter's Rivers if you can join us. We probably will be there for at most three hours."

"You don't have to wait, just come back whenever you are done. I will just have something made in the kitchen later."


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