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Thirty Seven
Updated: August 9, 2021
Edited: December 28, 2021

The ministers fell into mutters and soft chatter. The prime minister? They couldn't even recognize the once dignified man. He wore no uniform, nor did he wear the tall headpiece he usually did. Instead, he wore rags. Rags that had probably belonged to a prisoner that died years ago.

Minhyung gripped his hand into a fist seeing the familiar figure. He could hardly believe what was happening. The prime minister was being tried, but for what? What did Sunghyun do? So many questions flowed in and out of the prince's head. He could not understand.

Wait... was he found out? Did he get caught? Minhyung only hoped that wasn't it...

One of the ministers stepped out with a bow, "Your Imperial Majesty, the Prime Minister, what wrong has he done to be tried in front of the entire court?"

The soft chatter of the others increased, but the moment the emperor opened his mouth, everyone fell dead silent. "I have received information from a few sources that Yun Sunghyun has been working for an enemy since he was promoted. He has been giving away secrets and information about our empire, committing treason."

Treason? The prime minister committing treason? No one understood. Why betray the empire you work for? Why obtain promotion after promotion just to betray everyone?

"Might I ask the specifics?"

Xinyue gestured to the commander that had brought the now criminal in, who looked up at Shufen with a questionable glance. The clothing the empress wore that day wasn't grand, as she wore something almost like a uniform, plain with barely any colorful embroidery, but it was still beautiful, only she looked much more stern than kind.

Chen Shufen was in charge of the interrogation, as her husband was still finishing the requests and questions from the people. She had ordered First Commander Gao to interrogate the prime minister earlier that day and the night before. And luckily, the prime minister gave up all of his information with barely any struggle. "Commander Gao, please."

The commander was wearing his gray and silver armor, his sword attached to his belt. He still held a folded whip in his hand as he stepped forward, kneeling to the royals. He was glad to present the information he had dug out, but when he opened his mouth, he closed it again.

Suddenly turning to the crown prince, he made direct eye contact with him. "Firstly, before I say anything. I must apologize to His Royal Highness, the Crown Prince of Hwang."

Apologize to the crown prince? Why?

Even Renjun was confused, but he didn't say a word.

"Your Highness, I have to warn you. This one knows you've had a terrible history with an ex-fiancé, but I do not know the details. Even so, what I am about to say may bring back traumatic memories, and I apologize for that."

From where he stood, Youngho's gaze softened with guilt. He was the one that brought the information about the spy, and then soon enough, he would be the one that would resurface memories buried deep down long ago.

Renjun's two fiancés, who sat just behind him, stared at the side of his head. They didn't know what thoughts would run through his mind, and they didn't want to know. But hearing the apology from the commander, they couldn't help but think of the worst.

Renjun was speechless. He glanced at the chained man kneeling in the middle of the hall. He was the prime minister, someone who worked under his father, someone who spoke quite a few times with Renjun. But, now, Commander Gao was saying that this prime minister had connections with him? How? Why?

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