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Twenty Five
Updated: March 15, 2021
Edited: October 10, 2021

"Ah! Sungie!" screeched an orange-haired prince as he busted through the door with a letter in his hands. The letter was still sealed, he hadn't even opened it, yet he already knew the contents inside. It was written by a stupid old lady, who's been stalking the poor prince since it was announced that he was engaged.

Well, actually. She was nowhere near old to be considered as such. In fact, she was in her early twenties. Zhong Chenle was just absolutely disgusted by this woman. She wasn't what you would call pretty, she was below average, one could say. Her body shape was natural, quite graceful, actually, much better than the bodies of other beautiful young women, it was just... everything else that made her ugly. Her hair was never in a neat bun, ponytail, or styled up nicely. It was quite ugly. Her hair was all over the place, stray strands floating about with random hairpins stuck in place. For some reason, she likes to style her own hair, refusing the help from her servants, resulting in the kind of mess her hair is now. Her makeup was a similar story. She would cake her face with so much powder that she looked like a ghost, her lipstick was a bright shade of red, and to top it off, there would be a hand-drawn mole just by her chin. She wore clothes that were expensive, so expensive that it was too flashy for every occasion she attended, always sticking out among the crowd like a sore thumb. But despite all of that, she was still proposed to by many other noble families considering her ranking among the nobility was among the higher ones.

"Is it that Zhong Jingling again?" Jisung asked, looking up from the book he was reading and setting it down on the table.

Yes, her name, Zhong Jingling, not a relative of the Chinese, Korean Prince, luckily, but it was because of her name that she decided to chase after the poor prince. When she saw such a handsome prince with the same surname as she, she couldn't hold back. She believed that it was destined for two beautiful people with the same surname to be married and come together as one.

Chenle dropped to his knees beside the younger prince, melting his entire body on top of him. "Yes..." he groaned, "I just wish she would go away for once. I don't want to keep sending her the same letter every time. My hand hurts from writing."

Jisung embraced the older prince in his arms, taking the letter out of Chenle's hand and placed it on the table. "The last time you wrote to her was a year ago. I think she's realized that you really don't want to accept her marriage proposal."

"Yeah, but still. I received this abomination."

Park Jisung gently patted Chenle's back. "Did you open it yet?"

"No, I don't want to look at her hideous handwriting."

And, oh, how hideous the letters were—each character was unproportional, some big, some small, sometimes cramped together, sometimes not, and each stroke of each character was ugly. It looked like it belonged to the handwriting of a five-year-old, no, it looked like trash.

"Just open it and see what she has to say. Maybe she's decided to apologize for her behavior." He pushed the older from himself, sitting him in a straight position.

Chenle glared at him with pouty lips. "Jisung, you say that every time. 'Open it up, maybe she's decided to apologize for her behavior blah blah blah," he mocked, lazily sliding the letter off the table top. He ripped open the seal with so much anger that the letter came popping out of the envelope. But as he was unfolding the paper, Chenle was quite shocked.

"What is it?" Jisung asked, confused.

The orange-haired prince rubbed his eyes as if he was hallucinating, but when he opened them again, he found that what he was seeing was real. "The handwriting... Since when?"

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