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Updated: January 1, 2021
Edited: September 6, 2021

By the time the carriage arrived, a light hue of red had begun staining the sky and the clouds. Minhyung opened his eyes as they stopped. With two fingers, he pulled aside the silk curtain covering the window. Outside, he saw the large hall of the Kang Empire. He's been here plenty of times, but he never knew the name of this hall. He's heard it once or twice when he was here, but it never really stuck to him. It was either called the Hall of Forbidden Light or the Hall of Unforgettable Light.

"Your Highness," called a voice from outside, "we have arrived." It was his servant.

Minhyung stood up, crouching carefully as he stepped out of the carriage. With a small hop, he jumped down from the small ledge, landing softly on the stone floor. "What time is it?" he asked Geunseo.

"It's just five in the morning, Your Highness."

"Good. We are on time."

The meeting was scheduled to be at five-thirty when the sun just peeked from the horizon.

A familiar beard showed up in the corner of his eye. A eunuch shuffled over to the prince, a horsetail whisk hugged in his arms. He bowed as he stopped in front of the prince. "Your Highness, it's good to see you've made it."

"Prime- Eunuch Yun," Minhyung nodded his head in a bow. Yun Sunghyun's two roles really sometimes confused him. He didn't know when was the right time to call him what. He was the Prime Minister of the Huang Empire, but a eunuch in Kang. The old man's acting was quite something—changing from a serious and strict prime minister to a timid and obeying eunuch. It was quite something to behold.

"This way. Lord Lee Yimu is awaiting your arrival." The two-faced man gestured to the large building in front of them.

"Of course," Minhyung nodded and began walking up the stairs naturally.

"Prince Lee Minhyung has arrived!" announced the guard standing by the door.

Minhyung stepped into the building and was immediately met with at least four people, most of which he recognized—Li Yimu, the leader himself, Kang Jiheo, Princess of Kang, and Li Yongqin, Yimu's younger cousin. When Minhyung, Geunseo, and Sunghyun walked it, it made a total of seven people.

There were tables set up around the room, Yimu and Jiheo sitting together at their own. The person Minhyung didn't recognize sat towards the center of the table. The boy had dark silver hair and his features were soft and round.

"Ah, Prince Minhyung, how was the trip?" Yimu asked, standing up from his table. His voice raised a little, glad to be distracted by something else other than his fiancée. He walked around the table to greet the prince personally.

"It was fine," Minhyung replied, bowing with his two hands in front of him. "How are you doing, My Lord?"

Li Yimu let out a loud laugh. "I'm doing just great. Your fiancé caused no trouble?"

Minhyung let out a chuckled. "He didn't, no worries. I left him sleeping alone before I came here."

Yimu smiled at that, and then, he leaned in towards Minhyung's ear, whispering. "Great, but let's hope he didn't follow you out here." When he pulled away, Minhyung rolled his eyes.

"The thing sleeps like a sloth and eats like a pig. You think he'll wake up to me leaving?" Minhyung scoffed, raising a brow.

Yimu only smiled his signature crooked smile, giving the prince a glance saying, 'that better be true'. With a deep inhale, he then said, "now, please, take a seat. We can begin shortly. Everyone seems to be accounted for." The lord turned around and returned to his seat, dreadfully.

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