
362 32 46

Updated: August 30, 2021
Edited: December 29, 2021

"Young Master," said a familiar voice as the door opened, "it's time for you to wake up."

Donghyuck only groaned, rolling around to face away from his servant, covering his head with his blanket. "What time is it?" His voice was raspy and hoarse from the long night, which he slept at four hours past midnight.

"It's just past noon, Young Master." Donghyuck heard the servant shuffled around the room, opening the closet, closing it, and placing something on the table.

"Can I sleep a little longer?"

There was a sigh from the servant, "Young Master, you mustn't sleep so late. You'll have to wake up early tomorrow morning for the ceremony."

"What ceremony?"

"It's your coming of age ceremony tomorrow. Today is the fifth of June."

His heart sank. He didn't want his birthday to come. He really didn't. He was worried. Frightened, even. Donghyuck didn't want to see anyone, let alone three empires of royals. It was not a good time for a ceremony. He only wanted to stay in his room, stay isolated, alone for however long he wants. He didn't want to see Minhyung's face, he didn't want to see him in front of everyone because he knows there will be some kind of conflict. Yet, Donghyuck longed to see him again.

"Young Master?"

"Hm?" He lifted the blanket off of himself and turned to look at Guhyung with half-lidded eyes.

"You must get up."

"No," he huffed, turning back around.

"You can't-"


Guhyung sighed, walking over to the prince's bed, and sitting down on its edge. He leaned over to the prince's turned body and dropped the honorifics. "Donghyuck-ah," he began, his fingers wrapping around the edge of the blanket, "I know you are depressed, but you still need to get up." He tugged on the blanket, only to feel the resistance from the prince.

Donghyuck stared blankly with his tired eyes at the wall not far from his face. His hands were tightly gripped onto the blanket, preventing it from being ripped off of him. "I want to sleep."

"Hyung knows you want to sleep, but you could do more productive things than that."

"Guhyung-hyung, there's nothing to be productive with. There's nothing to do, so let me sleep."

"You have your brother. I'm sure Chenle would like it if you spoke to him."

Right... he did have to speak with his brother didn't he? He had noticed the confused look on Chenle's face when he showed up days ago. It was the day of the trial, which felt like a month ago when it was just four days.

That day when everyone was called to the Hall of Eternal Blessings, he was hopeful. Hopeful that he would be able to talk to his fiancé and work things out with the older because he predicted that they were going to sit together.

They did. They sat side by side, but no words were exchanged between them. Donghyuck had noticed Minhyung was too drawn in by the trial that he had completely forgotten Donghyuck's existence next to him. The older didn't even bat an eye at him, not even after the trial.

"Hyuck, please." Guhyung placed his hand on Donghyuck's turned shoulder.


"The Second Young Master has arrived!" Called a distant voice.

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