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Twenty Six
Updated: March 29, 2021
Edited: October 10, 2021

The large hall came into view, its tall blue pillars and walls towered at the top of the stairs. The large doors were closed and four guards stood in front, their swords sheathed beside them. Voices could be heard from inside. A meeting must've been in session.

Jisung stopped Chenle before he could walk up the steps. "Stop, Chenle-yah, the emperor is having a meeting with the council, we can't interrupt. Maybe we should wait until it's over before we go and talk to the emperor, yeah?"

Chenle looked up at Jisung, clearly upset. "I don't care, that woman shouldn't be in my palace. I won't allow it!" He shook out of Jisung's grip and stomped up the stairs to the door, but the guards stopped him.

"There is a meeting in progress. Your Highness mustn't enter."

"I have to get in!" Chenle protested.

"You mustn't, Your Highness," insisted a guard.

With a huff, Chenle tried to push back the guards, only to be met with what seemed like stone statues. He was pushed back immediately and caught by Jisung, who stood just behind him. Jisung gripped Chenle's arms tightly, not wanting him to charge forward again. "Lele, stop. They are busy inside."

"Let go!" He yelled at the younger, shaking out of his grip. "I'm going in there!" He stomped towards the guards again, but as the armored guards stepped forward to block him, Chenle swooped around them in a few quick steps, passing them easily, but then two more guards blocked him.

"Highness, please don't disturb the meeting."

Chenle only glared at them before once again dodging past them with ease, making it to the large doors. Before the guards could even stop him, Chenle kicked the doors open and stomped into the hall.

The meeting that was occurring stopped. All government counselors and officials looked in the direction of the young orange-haired prince in surprise. Since when were princes allowed to stumble in uninvited?

The guards from just outside ran in hurriedly, dropping to their knees, kowtowing repeatedly, "we apologize for the interruption, Your Excellencies. His Highness slipped past us, and we couldn't hold him back! We apologize! We deserve to be punished with death!"

Emperor Huang, though shocked by the sudden appearance of his nephew, waved a hand, dismissing the guards. "Chenle, my good nephew, is something the matter?"

"Some lady decided to barge into my palace, Uncle! I demand she be moved elsewhere!" Chenle huffed.

"May I ask who this lady is?" Xinyue asked.


"Your Majesty, I believe this lady His Highness speaks of is my beautiful daughter, Zhong Jingling. She said she had a friend in the palace and ran off to meet him." The minister that spoke looked to be in his late forties. He had a long beard that just began to whiten and long and short wrinkles across his forehead.

The prince turned to Minister Zhong, he bowed respectfully to the elder, though quite angered. "Please tell her to leave my palace residence. I don't appreciate her coming uninvited."

"Minister Zhong," Xinyue began, "if your daughter forced her way in, you know that violates the safety of the princes here, right?"

"Your Majesty," Minister Zhong got onto his knees, frightened, "please don't misunderstand. I-I didn't know she would do such a thing. She told me she had a friend and that he would let her stay, th-that's all I knew!"

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